In The Day

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Pit had woken up completely unaware of the encounter his brother Kearn had experienced the night before. He was oblivious of his hung over brother, assuming it was some sort of illness that would keep him in all day. If only he knew about the heavily spiked milk, he would've started screaming and scolding Kearn all throughout the day while curing his illness with care.

Instead, Pit had given him a blanket, a pillow, a trashcan, a few pills, some water and said get better soon before he went out for the day. How he loved the sunshine and how it glistened against his slightly tan skin, the city lively and thriving with excitement for whatever activities had been planned. Luckily, it was a Friday and thanks to the irregular sleeping schedule Kearn pressed onto him, he was able to get up and out of the house before the children getting out of school to flood to ruin his plans.

Today he thought he might visit the local zoo, having not been in quite a few days. He was quite fond of the marine life there, the wolves and the pandas always an interesting scenery as their strangely rare patterns danced on their pelts. Yep, to the zoo he went, humming and whistling as he walked. 

Kearn could never get Pit into the drivers seat of the car unfortunately, always having to hear the lame excuses about his foot hurting and not feeling well, but was thankful he walked and kept himself healthy all the while getting to his destination. It was only about a 20 minute walk anyways, it wouldn't hurt to bask in the radiant sun. 

Pit hummed as he paid administration, viewing all the animal's closures as he approached them, chuckling as he watched them goof off or said 'man I wish that were me' whenever he saw one basking out in the sun, relaxing in it's warmth.

His soft smile changed from one of relaxation to one of pure excitement upon seeing a familiar face. Link, once again. He wore a particular suit, looking somewhat like the fishes as he sat with his feet gently kicking in the water. Link was reaching down and was petting something out of view and in the water, upon closer inspecting on it looked to be like a shark. But it wasn't biting him? Nor was it provoked by the petting.

"Link!" Pit finally called out as he came a bit closer. The only thing separating the excited brunette and the blonde was a gate. He placed his hands on the gate and looked down into the water, seeing Link with strange looking swimwear to mimic those of fish fins.

"Oh, Pit!" Link smiled, taking his feet out of the water and standing to meet Pit, walking closer towards the gate that closed them off. It was awfully noticeable the height difference between them the closer the blonde got. "How are you?" He asked sort of warily, wondering if Kearn had broken his promise.

"I'm doing fine! Though Kearn is a bit sick and couldn't come with me." Good, Kearn didn't. The twin frowned slightly, thinking about his poor sick brother at home, wanting to be there to help him get better but was quickly thrown out of the apartment by him.

"I send him my best of good luck to him." Link bowed his head slightly, beckoning him to come towards entrance of the gate and opening it for him.

"Woah, you can let me in here? I thought it was for workers only!" Pit looked excited as he was given a pale white suit, which surprisingly wasn't blinding. "Is this for me!" He only got more and more joyous as Link nodded his head, quickly putting the suit over his regular clothing. The skin tight suit hugged him gently, not riding up much to his surprise as he walked around. 

"Swim with me?" Link held his hand out to Pit as the shark poked it's nose out of the water for a split second, noticing Pit's nervous look as he glanced towards it. "Ah, don't worry, Sidon is a highly trained shark, dolphin hybrid. He's just been fed so he won't be looking for a snack." He chuckled, patting the creatures back then holding his hand back out to Pit, which he quickly took.

Pit didn't hesitate to dive into the water after Link guided him into it, watching him swim a little ways forward before poking his head up, his brunette curls hugging against his head and falling over it like a wet puppy. Especially with those blue eyes of his.

Link dove into the water not to long afterwards, Sidon swimming along side him almost lazily. When he came back up, the overgrown bangs that would normally flow in the wind, now pressed up against the side of his face. His bun was watered down, but despite it, he just looked more and more attractive with the water droplets falling down with the loose strands of hair.

Even Pit couldn't resist staring, even if it was for a short while. The two men swam around, splashing each other while also including Sidon into the mix. He would give Pit a ride around on his back or let him hold onto his fin while the glided around the tank. It was delightful the way a fused creature's fins felt was indescribable. Link watched the excited other with a cheeky smile on his face. It was adorable to see all his reactions every time he tried something new with either Sidon or something Link showed him. In almost no time, Pit was able to swim across the tank in about 15 seconds with guidance from the human and shark.

Eventually, Pit had to be let out of the enclosure after a close call with Link's boss, Mipha. She noticed the two giggling and laughing out in the enclosure, demanding an explanation but couldn't resist the look on his face (almost nobody can.) He just looked to innocent and red in the face to come up with a real excuse, so she left him off with a warning.

As Pit climbed out and returned the suit after petting Sidon one more time, he smiled at Link when all the children were coming to swarm and gaze at the shark, dolphin hybrid. "Today was fun, thanks. I should probably get back to Kearn and see how he's doing anyway."

"Yeah, say hi to him for me." Link smiled, petting Sidon and giving him a little treat.

"Sure will." Pit grinned and stood there for a second longer than he should've, watching Link and really trying to extend their time together

"...Goodbye.." Link looked up at Pit, nervously waviing at him when he snapped Pit out of his thoughts while watching him.

"Oh, bye!" Pit smiled bashfully and made his way out of the gate, quickly hurrying home to tell Kearn of his wonderful day out.

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