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After Link had come home to his apartment, smiling, giggling quietly and over all just looking goofy, his face quickly flushed red with embarrassment whenever Zelda was sitting on his couch. She had Navi perched on her finger, Fi on her shoulder and Midna in her lap. At least each animal looked happy although the girl herself seemed to be smirking while giving Link a smug look as she hummed. 

"When were you gonna tell me you were such a playboy?" Zelda chuckled though Link looked somewhat relieved by the joking question, setting his suit down near the door like he did with most of the rest of his clothes until he eventually washed them. (Except for the Gerudo Outfit, that goes somewhere special.) 

'I don't know what you're talking about.' Link signaled towards her has she stood, Midna rolling off her lap and onto the couch next to her to properly take a snooze, the birds remaining perched comfortably on her.

"Sure you don't~ Just like how you think I don't know how close you're getting to those boys Pit and Kearn~" Zelda teased though it didn't really faze Link enough to get him flustered. But she had a plan in mind.

'They are just my friends I met.' Link rolled his eyes before he took something out of his fridge. Pizza that he shoved carelessly into the microwave then waited.

"Is that what you say about all your crushes, Linky? Mipha told me all about your little playdate with Pit today out in the water! Her and I are best friends y'know." Zelda hummed, starting to get underneath Link's skin a bit as he turned his face away from the girl. It was working.

'I just wanted to show him Sidon is all.' Link shook his head, regaining back his pride and taking his pizza from the microwave. 'And I haven't spoken to Kearn recently, just Pit.' He signaled with his face full of pizza. Still slightly cold but he'll live. 

"You might've not talked to him, but I did. He kept saying something about you looking nice and how he wanted a hug from you before he blanked out again." Zelda giggled as she watched Link's face go from a soft shade of pink to as red as the pepperoni on the pizza in almost an instant.

'He's sick Zelda for one, two, how did you even find and get in the apartment?' Link questioned suspiciously before Zelda gave him a smug look.

"How did you know he was sick?" She busted out laughing as Link nearly choked on his pizza, fearing for himself that he might've been caught about his night job. God please let this not be a confrontation.

"Whatever, but you're right he is sick, but he's still thinking about you~ And I bet Pit is simply daydreaming about how nice and kind you are to him~ 'Isn't he dreamy Kearn, his beautiful looks and irresistible golden locks!'" She attempted to imitate the brunette twin, earning a soft chuckle from Link who went back to calmly eating. 

'Trust me, we're just friends you goofball.' He ruffled her blonde hair up, earning a little pout from her and a slight peep from all the birds perched on her. Finally they took their leave and flew off into the living room, cuddling up near Midna.

"Alright alright alright, I won't try to convince you otherwise, but if it does happen, don't say I didn't tell you so!" Zelda giggled and suddenly hugged Link, squeezing his chest tightly. It was only about a year ago when Link had confessed that he didn't feel romance towards women, only towards men. Surprised but with her theory coming true, anyone who even dared to look at Link the wrong way would have to answer to her. She had her suspicions ever since the encounter with the girls trying to hit on him. He would always turn his back and uncomfortably shuffle towards her in an attempt to hide. Plus not to mention how shy and flustered he would get around a good looking guy.

She was ready to protect her best friend with her life, knowing how cruel it can sometimes be out there, that's why she always put on a brave and tough face to mask her supportive kindness. Link however, just showed his love to everyone, somehow making it a little more obvious and curious as to why she had missed the signs in the first place. Link was confusing yes, but knowing the truth, you could easily see how the pieces all connected together. It was also interesting, having conversations as guys passed was somewhat talking with another girl. 

It reminded her of all the times they'd make fun of guys, whether it was the way they dressed or the way their body language was. Link always made that part the most hilarious, imitating them as some classy movie high school jock kinda guy or an incredible geek. 

All jokes aside, knowing the truth, Link seemed to be more alive without having to hide himself anymore with Zelda there by his side to be there with him. Truly, they were inseparable after all they've been through together.

"I love you Link, you're like a really awesome big gay older brother." She mumbled and somewhat squeezed him.

It took awhile for him to respond, putting a hand in her hair. "I love you too Zelda, you're like a weirdo little sister." He chuckled then leaned down to gently kiss the top of  her head,  in a friendly manner before sticking his tongue out, to which Zelda followed.

"Ew cheesy." They said at the same time before erupting into laughter, Link still trying to finish the pizza that was already a bite away from being gone

"Hey, you better have some saved for me, I've been waiting here for about an hour for you to get home." Zelda said out of the blue, looking disturbingly serious about it.

"...Oops.." Link looked at the floor after innocently taking the last bite, Zelda making a face of faked pain.

"How dare you! Now you gotta buy us some!" Zelda let go of Link and cross her arms, pouting and looking up at him.

"Fine. Go get in the car." Link rolled his eyes, grabbing his keys and his wallet.


"Well where were you supposed to sit, the trunk?"

"Shut up!"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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