Skyloft Cafe

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(A/N: This is really rushed and I'm very tired, sorry if this is kinda t e r r i b l e)
Pit stared at his phone for quite awhile, stunned that Link had been smooth enough to slip him his number without a thought in his mind. Was that even his intention? Or did he really just want to talk about horses? God knows, but it had Pit thinking long and hard until his brother broke him out of his thoughts and told him they had to leave if they wanted to go out and eat.

"So. Who was that?" Kearn asked as the two brothers had settled into the car, after a long, painful goodbye between Pit and his horses. Surprisingly, Epona was nowhere to be found in the barn, but rather different horses he didn't recognize. 

"Who was what?" Pit looked up from staring at his phone, not realizing how long he had been looking at it.

"The person you were talking to and the reason you keep staring at your phone like an idiot."

"Oh- Just another rider I met, we bumped into each other on accident." Pit smiled while Kearn just raised an eyebrow suspiciously. 

"Riight.. But if he turns out to be some weirdo, well then have fun." He saved his hand dismissively as he started driving. That was always a treat to hear Kearn have short little outbursts of screamng fits when someone started driving the way he didn't like. At least Pit was distracted, hesitantly trying to message Link but unsure what to say. Luckily, the blonde did first.

'Are you okay? I've been watching you try to type for 10 minutes straight now.' 

Instantly, Pit looked relieved but almost embarrassed. Talking to someone new over text wasn't very fun as talking to them in person.

'Yeah! I just didn't know what to say pff-' He responded, quietly scolding himself and asking why he would write such a thing.

'Wow same? It's like how do you start conversations???'

'I don't know you just word???'

'Sounds about right.' 

Pit would sometimes chuckle quietly, going unnoticed by Kearn next to them while they drove back to a small cafe just a little ways down the street from their apartment. It was their favorite place for afternoon snacks but little did they know, two certain people had also worked there during that time, yet they'd never formerly met. Small world isn't it?

"Hi! Welcome to Skyloft- Ooo, Link, your little boyfriend is here!" The familiar girl's voice had sang as she walked by the twins. Zelda, with a white and blue apron on, holding a tray in her hands full of somebody else's food. It smelled delightful as usual, warmth spreading quickly to the twin's bodies.

"Oh hush." Link glared softly at his friend, while she just smirked at him in response, giving him a slight wink. "Hey Pit and- Pit number 2? Welcome to Skyloft. How many people?" He looked was dressed in a comfortable tan shirt, with an apron similar to what Zelda had worn. 

"My name is Kearn-"

"Two please! Wow, I never knew you guys worked here before, what's next, we're neighbors?"

"Well, depends if you live in Impa's Inn." Link chuckled while Pit gasped, that childish glint in his eyes. Kearn even looked somewhat impressed by the coincidence. "Right this way please." He led the two surprised twins to their small table, placing down two menus. 

"What room are you?" Pit asked while Kearn was already searching through the menu, though he already had the whole thing memorized. 

"B13. Can I get you guys anything to drink?" Link took out a little notepad and the pen out from behind his ear, opening the little notepad up to a blank page.

"We're A12 and uh a nice hot chocolate please!" Pit was practically wriggling with excitement at the thought that maybe he could visit Link almost just about anywhere. Though it was kinda too soon to jump at that point yet.

"Coffee. My name's Kearn by the way, this is my idiot twin brother." He said simply, his smirk now overcoming the one of slight impression whenever Pit gave him a hurt look.

"Pleasure to meet you Kearn." Link did a slight bow before he went away, giving the two drink orders to Zelda who whistled all the way while she moved around the cafe swiftly. It was like if you blinked, either of them could've been in one place then the other side of the room, though it might be easy with smooth business, not too many people, but not too little. 

"What's weird is that I even applied for here." Kearn chuckled, browsing the menu as if he didn't know it. "That was two weeks ago with no call but whatever." He put the menu down as Zelda came back with the two hot drinks. She even dipped in a few marshmellos for Pit, having remembered the things he liked and kept Kearn's coffee dark and strong. 

"Hi boys! I thought I recognized you from somewhere, but Link didn't believe me until now. I tried to tell him you were regular customers." She shook her head, putting her hand on her hip while she watched Link take somebody else's orders. "Silly boy should be over here in a second to take your guys' orders." Zelda giggled, ruffling both of their hair before walking away to go help another table. Strangely, she seemed to be the best whenever it came to mingling with the customers despite how strong she would come off as.

Link on the other hand was quiet, shy, but polite. He would only talk to others if it was taking their orders, would never respond to thank you's but rather dip his head down in response. He didn't talk much but people seemed to know him anyway but that's just what Pit had observed. 

Kearn just thought Zelda was a tad annoying, being a little too overjoyed for no reason much like his brother but he was a fan of Link's quiet  profile, silently wondering if they perhaps shared the same interests. But god forbid Pit ever catch him actually wanting to spend time with anyone rather than be alone, he'll never hear the end of it. 

"Are you two ready to order?" Link walked by, holding the notepad in his hand with a soft smile on his face rather than Zelda's gleeful one.

"I'll have two pancakes please!" Pit grinned as Kearn collected both of the menus and handed them to Link politely.

"Two waffles, please." Kearn looked up at Link, rather than being annoyed, he seemed to be relaxed. 

"Coming up." Link took the menus and walked off once again, placing the orders onto the small window that connected the counter and the kitchen. 

"He seems nice." Kearn mumbled while Pit stared at him in shock. Something positive about another person rather than criticism? How surprising! 

"Really? I think he's great!" Pit mumbled back, knowing how much Kearn hated whenever he raised his voice, seeing it as an embarrassment for his older brother to still act like he was 4. 

"Not as bad as the other friends you've made..." Kearn scoffed, taking a sip of his coffee while Pit narrowed his eyes at him.

"Hey... We only drove our snowboards and hit a pole one time.." Pit pouted slightly, earning a chuckle from Kearn while they talked quietly about the new people they'd just met while waiting for their meal. It didn't take awhile for Zelda to return with two plates on a tray in one hand and syrup in the other.

"Here you are boys! Enjoy, Linkie volunteered to make your orders~" She giggled, setting forks, butter knives and spoons down for them. She wasn't kidding either, Link would usually take their orders whenever they came by. 

As Zelda left the table with the tray in her hands, Kearn couldn't help but chuckle quietly along with Pit nearly choking on his drink when Link passed them.

"Would you guys like any refills?" He asked but noticed the two of them trying to hold in their laughter, raising an eyebrow. "Oh boy.. What did she say about me this time..?"

"Nothing, Linkie." Kearn said casually while Pit snorted loudly, turning his face away from the two and staring at the ground, wheezing quietly to himself.

"Oh god.. I'm sorry about her." Link looked flustered as he quickly refilled Kearn's coffee and had to scurry away to take Pit's cup with him to refill it with hot cocoa. From across the room, you could see Link getting more and more flustered as him and Zelda talked with one another. The female having to deliver Pit's drink back to him.

Zelda walked by as they came closer and closer to finishing their food, giving the bill to Kearn when she smiled. "Haha, poor Linkie was too embarrassed to come back here. Shame. But it was nice to see you guys, I'll certainly keep an eye out for whenever you guys come back." She hummed while Pit gave her a tip. "I'll be sure to tell him you guys gave him this~" The blonde haired girl smirked as she held the 10$ bill in her hands, waving it slightly before walking off with it, handing it to Link in the distance. 

Kearn had to do the honors of paying and facing a really embarrassed Link who didn't really want to seem to talk all the while. At least it wasn't as awkward since Kearn enjoyed the silence as Pit couldn't stop himself trying not to laugh at the little nickname Zelda had for him. The two of them will never be able to get that out of their heads. Just like they will never let Link be able to live it down. 

Link was thankful that they had left for once, glaring at Zelda who innocently smiled while cleaning up the table they had been at. 

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