Glimpses of your relationship together

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- You read together. You have disagreements occasionally about what book to read, but in the end he always chooses the book you wanted because he wants to see a smile on your face.
- Soda teasing Pony whenever you're around about how often he talks about you, then laughing when Pony turns red.
- Going to the drive-in or movie theatre. There are rarely ever disagreements about what the two of you should watch. Sometimes Johnny tags along. When he does, you both agree on what he wants to watch.
- Sitting on his front porch, watching sunsets. He holds your hand as you rest your head on his shoulder and he rests his head on yours.
- Walking around bookstores. You both agree that they smell nice.
- Having to limit yourself to only holding hands when Darry is around.
- Him walking you to class. Or you walk to class together.
- Two-Bit and Dally making very suggestive noises whenever he kisses you or when you're cuddling.
- Going to his house to work on "projects" or "schoolwork" but just ending up cuddling and falling asleep.
- Sitting in the lot and talking about running away. He'd never do it now that he has you and the gang, but talking about it helps him calm down.
- Walking with him almost everywhere. He often feels like he's forcing you, but you assure him that he's not. You'd walk all over town with him if it meant he felt safe.
- Watching movies at the Curtis' house.
- Reading to him and talking about deeper meanings of books. He's a pretty deep thinker and enjoys talking about his ideas with you.
- Spending quite a bit of time around Dally. You don't really mind and after a while, Dally didn't mind either.
- Fixing up his cuts after he's been beaten and comforting him. It happens much too often.
- Trying to convince him to just move in with you, but Johnny insisting that he'd be a burden even though he mostly lives with you anyway.
- Cuddling on the couch and kissing his cheek whenever you can.
- Dally feeling the need show you off so he hovers over you and kisses you until you need to pull away to breathe.
- Spending a lot of time at Buck's. Usually he gets drunk and you have to help him to his room. He'll pull you into bed with him and hold you close.
- Trying to cuddle but that usually turns into him tryin' to get into your pants.
- Trying to play innocent and simple games like Go Fish but Dally suggesting playing games like Strip Poker.
- Dally constantly having his arm around your waist or your shoulders.
- Trying to clean him up when he gets into fights even when he insists that he's fine.
- Play fighting often. He tries his best not to hurt you, but sometimes he's not quite sure when to stop and that leads to you getting the occasional bruise.
- Listening to him talk in his sleep. Once you even held an entire conversation with him while he was asleep.
- Getting a job at the DX to spend more time with him.
- Cuddling. A lot of cuddling. Anywhere and everywhere.
- Soda learning to do all sorts of things with your hair because he's 100% certain that if you have kids, the first one will be a girl.
- Joking around with him about eloping to Europe.
- Soda taking you to diners for dates with Steve and Evie.
- Going to see cheesy romance movies. Most of the time, you just end up making fun of them and leaving to go hang out at the DX.
- Soda holding you and stroking your hair while you fall asleep against him.
- Soda venting to you about Pony and Darry fighting constantly.
- Hanging out with Steve and Soda at the DX a lot.
- Mentioning one thing about a type of car Steve likes and having to endlessly hear about why it's such a good car.
- Jokingly asking Steve if he loves cars more than you. Sometimes he says yes just to mess with you.
- Steve trying to teach you how to fix cars and giving you "tests" about what he's taught you.
- Laying in bed and listening to him talk about his day.
- Steve trying to win drag races to impress you. If he loses he ends up in a sour mood, but he'll be fine the next day.
- Steve occasionally losing tools he's using. He doesn't really lose them. You just take them so he has to chase you down to get them back.
- Crawling into Steve's arms when he falls asleep on the couch. It never wakes him up.
- Getting a job to help him pay for things. He told you not to but that's not stopping you.
- Sitting on the couch next to him with your legs draped over his lap while watching movies.
- Having Soda teach you how to give Darry a proper massage to help him relax.
- He can be a surprisingly cuddly person. Like a giant teddy bear.
- Darry admiring how you treat the rest of the gang like siblings.
- Darry frequently offering for you to move in and share his room. As much as you'd like to, you always say no. You don't want to make the house even more crowded.
- Darry constantly asking you to marry him when he's holding you. You always say yes.
- Darry being very protective over you and treating you like he might accidentally break you one day.
- Taking his keys away when he's drunk and trying to drive. He pouts when you don't let him.
- Helping his mom clean while he sits in front of the tv and watches Mickey Mouse. You don't mind though. You like that side of him.
- Sitting in bed next to him when he has a hangover, holding his head in your lap and running your fingers through his hair.
- Buying him Mickey Mouse themed shirts and items. You love seeing his face light up when you give it to him.
- Two-Bit taking you to the drive-in. He doesn't really watch the movie though. He just holds you close to him and watches you.
- Two-Bit buying a cake for the two of you to share.
- Two-Bit asking if you'll date him when he's drunk. You've been dating for almost a year.
- Two-Bit making a lot of dirty jokes when he's had too much to drink. Most of the time he won't realize you've walked away and he ends up telling these joke to Darry. He does not appreciate them.

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