Sodapop - 1

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You walked down the sidewalk with a bounce to your steps. You were in a good mood today. Even if it was cold and the sky was threatening rain, it was nice to be outside and getting some fresh air.
Walking up the porch steps to the Curtis home, you pulled the door open. This was your second home. If you weren't at school or your own home, you could most certainly be found at the Curtis home.
Hesitation entered your mind and you stopped just short of entering the home. The last time you were in this house was the night Johnny and Dally died. It wouldn't feel the same, that much you were sure of. It wouldn't be as calm without Johnny. Dally wouldn't be there to give his offensive jokes which could either lighten or sour the mood.
Sighing, you stepped inside. You would forever miss those two.
Normally, people are pulled out of their thoughts by loud noises or things happening suddenly. But you were pulled out of your thoughts by the odd silence. This house was almost never quiet. The tv wasn't even on. Was no one home?
You shrugged off your coat, placing it on the couch and proceeded to walk down the hall. This was your ultimate mistake. You had been too lost in your thoughts to realize the shower was on and was turned off shortly after the door closed behind you.
The bathroom door was open, the light was on. And as you walked past, you got an eyeful of Soda with a towel around his waist, using a second towel to dry off his face and hair. You tried to turn around so quickly that you tripped over your own feet and fell.
Normally you'd just keep your eyes up, try to talk normally with him. Lately though, you'd begun to see Sodapop as less of a friend and more as someone you wanted to be with. Someone you wanted to hold and someone to hold you. Your interactions with him became more awkward and shorter. And the interactions you did have with him that weren't either of those things... yeah those didn't happen. Those were interactions you would day dream about instead of paying attention in class.
"Took quite a fall there. Your head okay?" Soda's voice brought you out of your thoughts, and brought you back to the scene you found quite embarrassing. You, laying on your stomach on the floor with a face as red as tomato. Sodapop, holding up his towel, leaning down to make sure you're okay, not at all noticing how red you are. This was a predicament of a kind you'd never been in.
"I-I'm just fine." You stood up quickly, mentally kicking yourself for stuttering. "I need to go now. See you at the DX or later..." You mumbled as you finished your sentence, turning to leave.
      "Could you stay...? I need to talk to you." These words rang in your ears, your heart beat at a thousand miles an hour, there was a nervous knot in your stomach. This was one of the few times you'd heard Soda speak with such a serious tone to his voice.
        "Oh... u-um... sure, I'll sit in the living room." He smiled and turned to go to his shared room with Pony. Oh how that smile melted your heart. Your legs carried you to the living room and you plopped down on the couch. Thinking about his smile. His laugh. His warm hugs. How could Sandy ever hurt him the way she did? How could Sandy hurt someone so kind? I never would've hurt him, you thought to yourself. You wanted to make it better. Make him happy. To see him smile all the time. And to comfort him every time he was sad or upset.
       Soda plopped down on the couch next to you, fully dressed with his hair still quite wet. He smelled familiar and comforting. Something you wouldn't mind waking up to.
       "I've been meaning to say something to you for a good while now." He grabbed your hand. Your heart was pounding out of your chest, you were certain he could hear it. "I want to know if you'd like to go on a date. To the diner or drive in, I won't really care. As long as I'm with you."
       Your heart was going to explode, the nervous knot in your stomach gone. You felt lighter than air. Your face split in a wide and ecstatic grin.
       "Of course! Of course, I'd love to!" You felt like you were on top of the world. And right beside you was Soda, holding your hand. His smile was just as wide as yours.
       "7 o' clock, tomorrow night. Will that work?" Soda suggested, squeezing your hand lightly. You nodded. Everything about this moment felt like a dream.
       "7 o' clock. Tomorrow night. I'll be here." You said, soaking up every second of this moment, determined to make this a lasting memory.
       Soda nodded, hugging you. Your eyes closed as you rested your head on his shoulder. You could feel his breathing and his heart beat, which was pounding as fast as yours was.
       "I've gotta go to work." He pulled away reluctantly. He wanted this moment to last as much as you did. You smiled, keeping hold of his hand.
       "I'll walk with you there. And then we can hang out some more." Soda smiled, standing and pulling you with him. You grabbed your jacket off the couch and he grabbed his as he walked out. Hand in hand, the two of you walked to the DX, enjoying each others company and the soft pitter patter of rain.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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