Chapter 1: N-Natsu?

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Hi! You can call me celestia! it's my name that we will go with for now! Just like to welcome everyone to my first story (that most likely won't be more than 10 chapters) also authors notes will always be in bold and underlined. Anyways! Please enjoy my first ever story, 'my baby Natsu (Gratsu)

3rd P.O.V

It was a normal day at the guild hall; if you could even call FairyTail normal. All of the guild members were as rowdy as ever, well apart from a certain salmon haired dragon slayer whom sat in the corner of the guild hall - surprisingly not showing any interest in the fight.

The fire mages best friend, Lucy walked over to him, obviously concerned.

'Natsu, are you ok?' She questioned worryingly. She had never seen the boy so uninterested in something he loved to do.

'I'm fine, I just feel a bit uneasy, as if somethings going to happen' he replied, staring at the doors of the guild hall, as if they'd suddenly disappear if he blinked, or looked away. Which, wouldn't be surprising, being the destructive reputation the guild has.

'Ok' Was the only word the blonde said before turning away, most likely to find Erza. (She hadn't admitted it, but Natsu has thought that it was obvious that the two females practically adored the other.

The salmon haired boy had been lost in his thoughts until he spotted the half-naked ice-mage fighting against Elfman, easily knocking him to the ground. Natsu began to stare at the raven-haired teen. Well, that was until he was spotted by none other than the stripper himself.

'Hey Flame-brain! Quit staring and fight me already!' The ice wizard named gray practically screamed at the boy, who just ignored the screaming teen and stared back at the guild doors.

Gray followed Natsu's stare. What he saw was a man wearing a hood that covered their face, along with the rest of their body.

The fighting stopped and most of the members stared at the person whom had just walked through the doors of the guild hall.

It felt like the staring lasted for hours, when a raspy voice came from the cloak. 'Where is Natsu Dragneel?'

Natsu stood up,'Your looking right at him strange-person!' He said with his signature goofy grin,'Now what do you want?' His once happy-go-lucky grin turned to a serious look.

All at once the cloaked figure threw a potion at Natsu and disappeared. The figures disappearing spell seamed to have left a fog. There were a few coughs and 'is everyone ok?'s

After the fog had cleared, everyone looked over to were the figure was, then to were Natsu was standing.

What they saw had taken them back. A few gasps were heard. Along with some 'aww's.

What they saw was a 4-5 year old boy whom strongly resemblance Natsu stood in the teens place.

Mira; of course, was the first to act upon this. She quickly ran over to the toddler, scooped him up in her arms and poked his nose. 'Aren't you so adorable' she spoke with pure joy.

Gray had just now realised what had happened,'is that, Natsu?' He questioned shockingly.

The toddler snapped his head over to look at gray, as if he had been summoned. Once the salmon-haired child recognised who the raven-haired mage was he put his hands out, opening and closing his hands, signalling that he wanted the ice mage to pick him up. Tears had started to swell in his green (~I don't remember Natsu's eye colour so i'm going with green, got a problem? Fite me! Jk) adorable eyes.

Gray quickly realised what the child wanted and gently took him from Mira. The toddler squealed in delight wore Natsu's signature smile on his face.

'Yep, that's defiantly Natsu.' A random guild member said.

Gray cradled Natsu in his arms. (Voltron reference anyone? No? Just me? Ok)
As he turned to levy, the script mage, and asked,'do you know what happened and how or when he will turn back to normal?'

Levy looked at Gray,'probably, I just need to start researching, and fast.' After she responded, she ran to the library, Jet and Droy stumbled after her.

After she had been whipped from sight, Gray looked down to now see an adorable baby named Natsu asleep in his arms. Oh how much fun this was going to be.

750 words ~

Wow, I'm proud of myself, 750 words for my first chapter! Did you enjoy it? I hope so! I'm quite new to writing, and my grammar isn't of best. Don't be scared to point out any of my mistakes! It would help me a lot! See you next time!

~Author~Chan~ (Celestia)

My Baby Natsu (Gratsu) (DISCONTINUES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!)Where stories live. Discover now