Chapter Four

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It was the same month that Bernie decided it was time to go back to the army she had messaged Alex to say the her and Serena was on a break and that Serena was going to France, of course Bernie had no clue on what Alex would do to Serena, Alex only wanted to have a few words with her about Bernie, so when she found out from Bernie that Serena was in France for a few months Alex decided to visit her, when she got to France she went to Serena's apartment and knocked on the door waiting for Serena to answer. Serena soon came to the door and opened it looking at Alex

"What do you want?

"Just a few words... mainly about Bernie... and how you left her..."

Serena rolled her eyes "I can say some stuff about how you left her to...."

Alex rolled her eyes and invited herself in to the apartment and sat down on the sofa "so where should I start?"

Serena looked at her confused "what do you mean by that?"

Alex smirked "of what Bernie has been saying about you?"

"She wouldn't say anything bad... she loves me...."

"Used to love you... there's a difference"

"No she still does..."

"Nope not after when you left her"

Serena looked more confused that Alex "She knew I had to leave..."

"No you just gave up and walked out on do you think she felt?"

"She didn't love me any-more, not when you turned up..."

"she wasn't ready to be with me... you knew that so don't turn this around on me"

Serena sighed "I think you should go now... I've gotta get ready for my flight back home to Bernie.."

Alex smirked "How about ill take you back?"

"No thanks I'm okay"

"No really it wont be a problem...I'm heading back anyway... a bunch us are so its really no problem"

Serena thought about it for a second "Okay ill go back with you"

Little did Serena know that Alex wasn't going back to Holby but instead she was going back to Afghanistan. Alex smirked knowing her plan was working

"Our plane leaves in 10 so I suggest you better grab your things now..." Alex soke putting her hand in her pocket, Serena went and got her things and came back into the living room of the apartment and looked at Alex "I'm ready" the brunette spoke softly and left the apartment with Alex flowing after her, Alex took her to the plane , just seconds before she boarded she got out the cloth that she had been carrying in her pocket and put it over Serena's mouth so it would knock her out for the duration of the flight.

Once Serena had been knocked out , Alex lifted her up and put her over her shoulder carrying on to the plane and placed her down in a seat and strapped her in. After when Alex got herself settled the plan took off for its 8 hour journey.

*Eight hours later*

The plane landed at the army base airport and everyone got off the plane, Alex had put Serena back over her shoulder while thinking where to put her, until she found an old broken down bunker whih she thought was perfect to keep Serena in while she had some unfinished business. But alex didn't know that she was being watched by Tom who had heard about Serena leaving Bernie and wanted to make sure that he got some form of payback for hurting Bernie.

* One Month After *
Bernie had landed in Afghanistan and made her way to the base, she got welcomed back and got given her old bunker, the one she had shared with Alex before the accident, Bernie sighed walking down the corridoors to her bunker getting welcomed by more of her friends until she reached her bunker, she opened the door and looked inside just seconds before she stepped inside and saw that Alex wasn't there , she got her things sorted and put on her uniform before lying on the empty bed waiting for Alex to return as she wanted to surprise her that she had came back for her.

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