Chapter Six

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Alex cuddled her partner seeing the state she was getting herself into. "I'm so sorry babe"

The blonde looked at her partner trying to make full sentences "She needs.. she needs a proper burial... a place .. .where..where I can go to remember... her...... this is all my fault... she's dead because of me...... you... you would have been next..." the blonde cried into Alex while still holding Serena's lifeless body

"Serena was nice... think of all the happy times you had with her and we'll get her a proper burial I promise" Alex spoke as she held Bernie close to her

"I let my best friend down" she said crying into Alex more

"How did you babe?"

I wasn't there to save her from him"

"Babe it was not your fault"

"Course its my fault, I'm alive when I should be dead!.."

"Babe you still had feelings for her"

"Yeah I do..." she wiped her eyes a little "We should take her back to the base...."

"lets take her back baby" Alex spoke softly while stroking Bernie's arm "You can say goodbye to her properly then"

Bernie just nodded and got up before carrying her back to the base and took her down to the morgue where she placed her on the table , Bernie looked at the lifeless body while thinking on what to say. Alex was stood next to her also looking at the body before she spoke

"You know when you two was together... did you ever cum on her" she asked trying to get Bernie to smile a little

"urm..." she spoke before answering the question "Quite a few times..." she spoke with a very tiny smile

Alex saw the smile "did she like it?"

the blonde nodded a little "She loved it Lex"

Alex smiled at her partner, Bernie took Serena's hand while she cuddled into Alex "I don't know what to do.. She was my best friend..."

"Keep the scarf so you can always keep her close to you.."

Bernie nodded "I'm sorry for dragging you into all this"

"hey,You just lost your friend, I understand"

"I'm still sorry though"

Alex held her partner more closer her

"I let you all down" she spoke before letting go of Serena's hand and broke free from Alex embrace and went back to the bunker where she sat against the wall, she wanted to have some time on her own but she didn't want her partner to hate her

Alex let Bernie go off as she knew she needed time on her own, she stroked Serena's head "I so sorry I didn't know that he was going to do this to you".

Back in the bunker Bernie had made it a mess as she had gotten angry and upset, she accidently smashed up some of Alex's things like her photos, Alex stayed in the morgue , she started to feel guilty as she played a part of Serena's murder. As the blonde was smashing up the shared bunker she found Alex's phone so she unlocked it and looked at the messages saying something about Serena and how she wanted gone.

Bernie picked up a metal pole that she had broke off from her bed and went to find Alex again, Alex was on her way back to the bunker when Bernie ran towards her , The blonde had pushed her against the wall and held the metal pole up against her neck "You killed her!"

"Killed who?" Alex replied acting as she didn't know anything

"You helped him kill Serena!" the blonde shouted and held the metal pole against her throat more

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