The First Day

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//Kara's pov//
I walked down the sidewalk with my earbuds in , I was listening to Greenday.

I arrived at school and stopped at the steps some kids pushed me and called me names, I brushed it off and headed up the steps.

I walked into the school to find a corridor full of people. I sucked in a deep breath and head forward,everyone stared at me. I hated it..

I got to class and sat in the back. I really hoped nobody would sit with me. About ten minutes before homeroom actually started a kid who looked alot like a real life Nico Di Angelo came and sat next to me

"Hey I'm Ryan" the boy said I smiled

"I'm Kara, Nice to meet you" i said quietly Ryan chuckled

"you don't have be shy around me" he said, i looked up and smiled

"always nice to meet another emo" i guess based on the Way he was dressed in all black with a Mayday Parade Shirt and Vans

"Oh you know it! Favorite bands?" Ryan asked

" Pierce the Veil All Time Low Sleeping with sirens, Greenday A Day to Remember and alot more" I said Ryans face light up

"Those are my favorite bands too but my top favorite is Pierce the Veil" Ryan explained

"Speaking of PTV, promise me you won't freak when I tell you?" I asked

"Promise" he said. I sucked in a breath

"My dad is Tony Perry" I said he looked in disbelief

"No way! That's so cool!" He cheered I smiled

"Yeah this is me my dad and Erin at the fair" I showed him the picture on my phone

"That's really cool, I knew you looked familiar" Ryan chuckled

"I'm glad you didn't like fanboy" I laughed Ryan chuckled

"So first day at an alternative school?" He asked

"Oooohhhhh yeah" I agreed, we both shared a laugh

"Well you have nothing to worry about, as long as you don't start Beef with anyone you'll be fine" Ryan said

"Yeah I'm pretty shy around new people"I said Ryan patted me on the back

"Me too turtle" he said I gave a weird look

"Turtle?" I asked

"That's what I'm Gonna call you, your dad is Tony The Turtle, you can be Kara the turtle" Ryan explained I chucked

"Alright, just wait till I come up with a nick name for you" I nudged him a bit.

The bell rang while me and Ryan we in mid conversation, everyone settled into their seats and had quiet side conversations Ryan turned to me

"Like I was saying, the pizza here is like cardboard, it's disgusting"

"My last schools pizza was like that" i spoke softly ryan chuckled a little bit

"at least this school has a dress code, my last one basically didn't"Ryan said eyeing the teacher every once in a while

"Yeah" I simply said Ryan frowned

"You okay?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm just tired, I'm not used to being up this early" I chuckled

"Me neither-" Ryan got cut off by the teacher yelling at us and gave us a warning

After first period was math, aka my worse subject, Ryan wasn't in this class so I was all alone. I took my seat in the back again and starting doodling.

"Is this seat taken" I look to see a girl she's wearing all black with chains and emerald green eye shadow

"Nope" I say and go back to doodling

"What you drawing?" The girl asks

"Nothing much just some flowers"

"I'm Emily, you can call me em for short". Emily. Huh I like it, I turn to look at her

"I'm Kara"I say

"You look familiar" Em says

"My dad is Tony Perry from Pierce the Veil, if that helps" I calmly say

"Oh my god! It is you" Em said excitedly I laughed

"I'm actually meeting Tony Perry's daughter, this is so cool!" Em exclaimed

"What you want my autograph now?"I laughed and so did em

"No, but this is crazy"she said

"Well we can be friends if you want too" I gave a nice smile

"Sure! Let's be friends" Em said, we highfived and kept talking about our lives untill the teacher wanted our attention and went over everything.

It was now third time period gym and I hated gym. I walked in to see Em and Ryan talking to different people. I went up to Ryan and brought him over to Em so they could meet

"Ryan, Emily. Emily Ryan' I said they got acquainted and we started talking about how are day has gone so far considering the day just started.

The gym teachers who's name was Mrs. Smart made us huddle together as she went over what we were doing for our first unit

"Now! Get into groups of three and we'll practice shooting baskets the correct way" Mrs Smart blew her whistle, we all got into groups of three obviously me, Ryan, and Em were in a group together, we grabbed three basketballls and headed over to a net

Ten minutes into shooting, Mrs, Smart blew her whistle and had us stand In a half circle.

After gym was English, I kinda liked english after all it was kinda my favorite class

I walked in and sat down at the far right desk, I was just minding my own business when a popular girl walked up to me

"Your like an emo right?"  I scoffed

"Yes" I said rudely

" do you...ya know cut"she laughed a little now that pissed me off

"What the fuck is so funny about cutting!" I basically screamed she stood up fast

"They Only do it for attention" she stated then I did something I kinda regret... I punched her square in the face .

I got brought to the principals office immediately after I hit that bitch in the face

"Why would you punch her in the face" the principal asked

"She said cutters only cut for attention"

"That's no reason to punch her in the face"

"Whatever, what's my punishment"

" week of detention"

"A week?!" I exclaimed "please I'll do anything by detention" I begged

The principal though for a moment

"Fine, a week of in school suspension"

"Okay" I said and got up

"I'm calling you dad you can head up to the iss room for the rest of the day"

"I erm, don't know where it is this is my first day" I said shyly

"It's room 284 the second floor " the principal said I nodded and left 

The Final bell rung I got my phone from the office and put my ear buds in and began my walk home

I was nervous when I was walking home, like my dad could pull up at any time but alas I got home and when I opened that door

"Your grounded, no phone, no friends , no nothing leave your bag so I can grab everything and go up to your room" dad said almost yelling I blinked away the tears dropped my bags and hears up to my room

That night I felled asleep crying, it's not the first or the worst but it broke my heart 



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