Chapter Thirteen

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Jamie P.O.V.

"So it's settled. I will handle the shipments and you handle placements for everybody." Pepper told me.

I stated at her, "So I have to to people?" I grimaced.

She smiled, "Yes." I sighed. "If you want, we can hire someone to help you."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you would still be doing the work. Telling people what to do, but she would be there right next to you enforcing it. Yelling at people if they don't do what you tell them to do. That kind of thing." I liked the sound of that.

I nodded, "I'm okay with that." It took some pressure off of me.

"Okay great! Let me just make a few calls." She said as she stood up and walked away, leaving me alone in the living room. I decided to check shipments on some of the merchandise that we had ordered for the show. Mostly the fireworks because this show was practically full of them.


"I just realized something." I said as my eyes widened.

"What is it?" Pepper asked me.

I looked up at her, "I have nothing to wear to the Expo."

She smiled at me, "The expo is in less than a week and you never thought to get anything?"

"I was more focused on trying to make sure everything was in order. And I don't know what is appropriate to something like this." I defended myself.

She put her hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry. You have worked hard. You deserve a day off. Let's go shopping. Just the two of us." She said as she stood from the couch.

"Really? Right now? There is still a lot of work to be done."

"Sometimes you need to treat yourself at the oddest times before you make yourself go completely crazy." She was right. I felt like I was about to lose it thinking about all of this. It's gotten to the point where I couldn't wait for this Expo to be over with already.

"If you say so." I said as I stood up and followed her outside to her car.

We went to a store called Planet Blue and found a dress that was white on top and black on the skirt, with black flowers growing from the black onto the white, for me with black flats with an ankle strap and a pink silk dress for Pepper with black heels.

It was fun shopping with her, we had small little fashion shows while trying on different dresses, I wore heels five times bigger than my actual shoe size, and she put on fur coats saying that she was Cruella de Vil, whoever that was.

Then the day came to an end and we brought home some Chinese food for Tony. I found out that I am in love with egg rolls.

It was the little things about America that surprised me. The fact that people have so many options yet still ask for more. A free country, yet people call it unfair. Most people have meals at least three times a day, yet still complain that it's not what they want. I just didn't get it. Do they not know of people in poorer places in the world that struggle just finding a drink of water? Where anytime that they are able to eat even the slightest bit, it was a treasure? These people here are so lucky. But there are those people who want more. More of everything. And if they don't get what they want, they hurt people. That's what makes this world unfair.



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