Scarlet Walls - 1

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To begin, is to say goodbye


June 28th, 1914

     Dearest America,

I know you are angry with me for neglecting our plans and leaving you alone in the pub for various hours. There are no words to describe how sorry I am for what happened, and I swear to you, I'll return as soon as possible to make up for that night. It will not be long before I come home, as a matter of fact, the rumors speak of a short time frame that I'll be away.

The situation right now is complicated, to say the least, and we're trying our best to defuse the threats. So really, there is no reason to worry about me and this'll all be over as soon as we stop the tensions. I'll try to send another letter when things get better, and maybe in the next month or so, we'll spend some time together again.

I'll be home soon, I promise you.

In greatest warmth,



   America ran his gloved hand through his smooth blond hair, allowing an exhausted yawn to escape his lips as he folded the letter and neatly returned it to the envelope. He placed it next to him on the oak wood bench and gave it no other glances of acknowledgement.

   At least England wasn't too oblivious to see how outraged the American nation was to have spent hours of waiting patiently in a pub for him, but even that was slightly wrong. No, America wasn't angry, he was severely upset in the sense that he felt unimportant while waiting in that pub for multiple long hours. Regardless though, he feels slightly calm knowing that the cause of the other nations disappearance wasn't for no important reason.

   The young nation gazes down at the freshly cut grass and remains out of thought for a moment, unsure what to think of the news. He understood that the European nations had various issues that he couldn't quite understand yet, and that it would eventually exclude him from the others. The most he could do is remain patient and not break his vow of isolation, which basically restricted him into an unbreakable bubble of no escape.

   America got up from the bench and grabbed the enveloped letter in his hand, walking down the cemented pathway back to his house. He turned his head and caught sight of the White House in the near distance, frowning at the scenic view.

   That once beautiful sight has become a burden of his mental stability, and a bothersome thought that he has yet to acknowledge. Various events, both good and bad, have occurred in those walls, but he's grown to almost despise that place. They believe that they can control him, lock his existence away for decades because they're afraid of what could happen if he were to converse with other nations. So, with no care in regards to the consequences, they isolated the American nation.

   He hates the home that they forced him in, because now they can monitor everything he does, and the guards can act immediately if he rebels against the policies. It's not like he hasn't already, but even America could be outsmarted after several failed attempts at keeping him within the borders of the land. Even the states attempted to help him, and when his boss found out about it, they faced major turmoil on behalf of the nation.

   America slowly shakes his head at the sight of his nation's treasure, and with no rush in his schedule, he took his time down the brick path. The letter was folded and placed in his pocket, where he planned to hide it later. He brought out his key as he approached the door to his home, and with a large sigh, he went inside the walls of his "safe" house, as the boss liked to call it. America made his way up the wooden stairs and went inside his private office, which held much of his duties as a nation.

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