Chapter 2

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"HURRY THE FUCK UP, BAEK! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Jongdae, ready to go, screamed from the living room, while Baekhyun was still in the shower. He rolled his eyes at the comment and was taking his sweet time, unbothered.

After what felt like an eternity for Jongdae, Baekhyun finally appeared in front of him. "Took you long enough!" Jongdae hissed in annoyance as he walked out of the door with Baekhyun following him. "Will you chill for a sec? We still have plenty of time~" Baekhyun sighed when the other started walking faster than before.

The car ride was unbearable for Baekhyun. Jongdae would tell the cab driver to hurry up every two seconds. He's going to throw us out any second. Baekhyun thought as he caught the annoyed expression of the driver.

Luckily they arrived at the concert hall safe and sound. Jongdae screamed once they left the cab and were standing in front of the building. People were giving them weird looks but that didn't seem to bother Jongdae in the slightest. Baekhyun, on the other hand, felt slightly uncomfortable so he lightly poked his best friend, "C'mon. Let's go in there before all the good spots are snatched." Jongdae immediately agreed and rushed towards the entrance with Baekhyun slowly following.

To Baekhyun's suprise, the place was completely crowded, even though they arrived a few hours earlier and the concert won't start until 4 pm. His eyes roamed around the hall and he stopped at the stage. He closed his eyes and he imagined himself standing on such a big stage one day. What most people didn't know about him, was the fact that he really enjoyed singing and he wasn't bad at it. Maybe one day ...

When it was finally time, the lights were dimmed to the point where Baekhyun could barely see Jongdae who was standing right beside him, cheering. In fact, everyone was cheering, or rather screaming.

Then silence fell onto the whole place. Baekhyun felt how his best friend next to him was holding his breath.

Out of nowhere, bright lights were shining down at them and the whole crowd was cheering and applauding again. Baekhyun sqinted his eyes and he could see a tall figure walking on stage. That must be Chanyeol. He said to himself as his eyes were fixed on the idol, who was giving a short speech. Baekhyun wasn't paying any attention because he was completely mesmerized by how good looking the idol was and how genuine he looked during the speech. Maybe he isn't so bad after all ...

During the concert Baekhyun completely forgot about his dislike towards Chanyeol and was cheering and singing along with everyone else. To his suprise, his music was exactly his taste.

After a while Chanyeol started walking around the stage. Sometimes he would stop and crouch down to close the distance between him and his fans, which Baekhyun found incredibly sweet. Jongdae besides him was over the moon. He's never seen his best friend so happy before. Unintentionally, he started smiling like an idiot.

In that exact moment, his eyes met Chanyeol's. They stared at each other what felt like an eternity and Baekhyun felt his heart beating faster by every second. He then looked away, lightly blushing. What the fuck is happening to me? I'm supposed to dislike guys like him.

"DID YOU SEE THAT, BAEK!! PARK FUCKING CHANYEOL SMILED AT ME!!!!" Baekhyun was snapped back to reality when his best friend screamed into his ears. Jongdae didn't even wait for Baekhyun to answer or react, after that he went back to cheering and singing along.

"Holy shit! This has been so far the best day of my life!" Jongdae said excitingly as both of them were heading towards the exit. "Yeah, it was fine," Baekhyun tried to sound as unbothered as possible, hoping his best friend wouldn't see through him. Because in reality, his heart was still beating at a fast rate. Baekhyun felt relieved when Jongdae didn't notice anything.

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