another day

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Tuesday, 9:30.

Eliza isn't fully awake until she has a cup of coffee. She's usually awake earlier, but she had the overwhelming need to stay asleep. It's not like the floor or the rooms will go anywhere- it will just gather dust that Eliza will have to clean.

She sighs, opening Philip's door to be met with a mess of chip bags, textbooks, and socks all over the floor. Philip is in the senior year of high school, yet he still makes a mess of his room. Then again, so does Alexander.

Eliza goes in the room and began to pick up the empty bags, then the textbooks, then the socks. She then vacuumed the room, and made Philip's bed.

Once that was done, Eliza went to Alexander study room and cleaned there as well. It was messier there than the other room, since there was an assortment of papers scattered on the floor and on the desk.

Once she was done, she finally took a shower and changed. It should've been done earlier, but the stench coming out of Philip and Alexander's rooms were disgusting.

Once the shower was done, she put on a blue jumpsuit and light makeup. Luckily, there wasn't much cleaning that needed to be done today, compared to the other days.

Eliza went to the kitchen and washed the dishes, making note to tell Alexander later to put water in the bowl when he leaves it in the sink, because pieces of food get stuck on it.

After that, she dusted and swept up the living room, also making note that Philip should clean up his musical supplies after he's done using them.

While Eliza was cleaning out her closet, she found a photo album.

"Oh. Well, it wouldn't take me that much to time to look through it."

She sat on the bed and opened the album. Eliza smiled at the photos from her college days- even if they were spent studying and spending time with Alexander.

Alexander was charming and romantic back in college, full of fire that could never be put out. That's what she liked about him back in college. But these days he spends his time at work, and when they do get to be alone, they don't talk.

Eliza sighed at one of the pictures, where Alexander proposed to Eliza on the day of graduation.

"I wish for these days again."

Eliza closed the album and put it back in the closet, where it would gather dust again. She went to the couch and sat, staring at the wide window where all she can see is grass and a few houses.

Eliza thought about her days, where it was spent happily and joyful, but now all she does is cook and clean, and whatever free time is left will be used reading.

They're able to afford someone who can do all that, but Eliza found it will be tedious if she knows how to do it herself. Tears slipped down her cheeks, as she quietly sobbed about feeling the same, everyday. She's unhappy with herself and with her life- but she has everything and more.

Her quiet crying time came to end when she glanced at the clock, and it was already 5 pm.
'Time has been flying recently.' Eliza thought to herself, as she wiped away her tears.

Eliza cooked dinner, leaving the pot of food for Alexander and Philip when they come home. She went back to the couch, where she spent the rest of her time reading 'The Book Thief'.

Finally, it was time for bed. Eliza got up and washed her face, then changing into pajamas.
She climbed on the bed and curled up, waiting to fall asleep.

But it never happened. She heard the sound of the door opening, and she heard Philip's voice with another person. Eliza stayed put, staring at the potted plant.

Around 12 am, Alexander came home. She heard the door creak as he stepped in and changed. He climbed into the bed with Eliza, pecking her cheek and turning around.

After a few minutes she heard the sound of loud snoring. Eliza let her tears slip again, as she pressed her face into the pillow.

It was just another day, like no other. Tomorrow will be the same, the same, the same.

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