happy valentine's day! - oneshot

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'you deserve to be heard.'

Maria held her head up as she raised her arms above her head. The cheers casting upon herself was both satisfying and terrifying. She was known as the performer that was able to pull anyone's eyes on her - whether the beautiful dances or the beauty that Maria had.

She heard the music play, the specific part of a popular song she would dance to. These performances are the ones Maria doesn't like, but the cheers kept her on, even if they were cheering for a plastic version of Maria Reynolds. Maria was able to move her body, dropping to her knees or being able to move so quickly to a different part of a song.

When she was done, she was sweating. The lights beamed on her which only made the sweating worse. But people didn't notice that, they noticed the beauty of such a beautiful woman being able to twist and turn in such ways.

Maria went over and grabbed the microphone and tapped on it before speaking.

"Thank you all for supporting me! This performance was dedicated to all of you, my beautiful fans!" She said, waving to everyone with a smile on her face.

After such, she stepped off the stage and greeted people for a short moment, before being dragged away.

That's how it was after that. She continued performing, a smile on her face at the end of each performance. Unfortunately, her husband, James Reynolds was the one who had the say in Maria's tours and dances.

They were all controlled by him, and Maria couldn't say anything. She was terrified of her husband James. It wasn't until James forced her into something that would shatter Maria's career.

In the Summertime, Alexander Hamilton became the most popular artist, always hitting the top charts with his political but empowering lyrics. However, it was the same time Maria knocked on his door, the house that she had gotten into because of the supposed 'collaboration' they were doing.

But this turned into an affair, and Alexander ended up sleeping with Maria for the rest of the summer, while his wife Eliza was gone on a family trip.

They were never found out, but Alexander Hamilton had to run his mouth by releasing a single that his management or record didn't set. The single was played on the radio when Alexander demanded of it on a Wednesday morning.

'The Reynolds' was played on Wednesday morning, when Maria was in the back of a limousine with James, and once she heard those lyrics, she cried.

Even worse, a day later he released a public statement saying this was admitting to the face he had an affair with Maria Reynolds.

It all shattered then and there. The great praise Maria got turned into ridicule and hate.

From all social media platforms, Maria got hate and was constantly called a whore.
Alexander also got his fair share of hate. People called him stupid for releasing the song, saying he was a dumbass for even saying yes to Maria in the first place.

'@MariaReynolds, girl you're such a whore !! Lmao I never really liked you.'

'@MariaReynolds is this for real?? damn I expected better from you, I'm so disappointed right now'

'@alexanderhamilton I know everyone is coming at Maria but Alexander was the dumbass here like tf?? He was the one who said yes to her in the first place.'

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