on occasion

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                      Wednesday, 7:46 pm.

On occasion, Eliza would get visitors. They were expected most of the time, and it wasn't very exciting visitors. Usually it would be the mailman at exactly eight am to deliver the mail. This visit however, was unexpected, and Eliza knew it wasn't the mailman, because he's probably with his girlfriend. Yes, the mailman likes to share too much.

Eliza was startled when she heard the doorbell ring. Glancing at the door, she took off her yellow rubber gloves and went to the front door. She looked through the peephole, and quickly stood back.

A large smile spread on Eliza's face. It was Angelica! She opened the door, only to be immediately greeted with a big hug.



Angelica pulled back, with a grin on her face.
"I haven't seen you in so long! How are you?" Eliza nodded, as she stepped back and smiled.
"Go sit down, Angie! I'll go get us some tea." Eliza beamed, motioning Angelica to the couch.
Angelica only chuckled, shaking her head. "How about I be nosy and look through your living room?"

Eliza giggled. "Sure, but it's really boring!" She said, drawing out boring. Angelica smiled and waved off the other. Eliza went to the kitchen, as she took out two tea cups from her cabinet. The last she used them, it was when Alexander had enough time to drink tea with Eliza after work. That doesn't happen anymore, so Eliza washed the tea cups, and used a cloth to grab and pour the tea that was meant for herself.

After the tea was poured, Eliza went to the couch and set the tea cups on the coffee table. She glanced at Angelica, who was the corner of the couch looking at the photo album.

Eliza went over and sat down next to her sister. "How's Alexander?" Angelica asked, without looking at her sister. "Oh.. he's fine, he's just working more."

Angelica put the album book down and smiled. "Well, tell that man to take a break." Angelica subtly said. "Anyway, how's Philip? I heard he's in his senior year of high school."

Eliza picked up her tea cup, taking a sip.
"He's great, actually. He's out doing extracurricular activities and hanging out with his friends. His grades are spectacular, and teachers always talk about what a great role model student he is."

Angelica grinned. "I'm glad, Philip has always been a great kid." Angelica hummed, picking up her tea cup and taking a long sip.
"Now, how are you?"

"Im okay."

Angelica stopped and stared at her sister. Each second became even more uncomfortable, as Eliza glanced away.

"What's wrong?

"What? I just said I was okay-"

Angelica shook her head. "I know my own sister. I know when she's sad. What's wrong?"

Eliza let out a long and tired sigh, as she leaned further in the couch. "It's a lot."

"I'm listening."

"Well, I am grateful for what I have and all.. it's just- well, I feel like ever since Alexander started working more and Philip started to be out more, I kind of felt.. lonely. My days are always the same, nothing changes. Alexander became more distant, and I.. cried sometimes. I tried to talk to him about it- and he actually came home earlier for a few weeks, then he started working unbelievable hours again.. I don't know- I know I shouldn't be complaining about this." Eliza was done, since tears started prick at her eyes.

Angelica was filled with sympathy, as she pulled her sister in a tight hug. "Eliza.."
The two sisters stayed like that for a few minutes, with Angelica holding her crying sister.

Finally, Eliza pulled away and wiped her tears. "Eliza, how about this? We go out, and have fun. We'll go clubbing, then after get cheap pizza and watch the Hunchback of Notre Dame, just like the old times."

Eliza glanced at her sister, a little hesitant.
"Are you sure? I haven't been clubbing in years."

"You could stay with me, and we'll just get a couple of drinks."

After a few moments of thinking it over, Eliza agreed.

"Okay, let's go then."

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