Chapter 1: The Crash

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"Put them right there, thank you Stephanie." Hermione said to her assistant. Suddenly an owl flew into her office causing papers to fly everywhere. Hermione groaned and took the letter from the owl as it flew away. She opened it and it said...

Dear Ms. Granger,

We are all very delighted to have you come talk to us this evening. Once again we thank you for giving us your precious time.


Ada Williams

President of The Young Witches Association

"Oh no! I forgot about this!" Hermione exclaimed. She remembered how she had promised Ada Williams to come talk to young witches about how one girl can change the world. She quickly packed her belongings and apparated home.

"Hermione!" Ginny exclaimed as Hermione apparated to her house

"Ginny, hi. What are you doing here?" she asked

"Don't tell me you forgot, we have girls night out today with Luna!"

"Right" Hermione groaned inside. As much as she loved hanging out with Luna and Ginny, all she wanted to do after she gave her speech this evening was curl up and read a book. She didn't remember the last time she even picked one up. Nowadays all that seemed to happen in her life was work, friends and parties.

"I knew you would forget, that's why I came to remind you. Also I came by to drop these cookies mum made, I know you adore them."

"Thanks Gin, see ya tonight"

"See ya" Ginny replied as she apparated away.

Hermione then quickly started to get ready, she practiced her speech once more, brushed her hair, threw on a dress and heels, and put on some lipstick and mascara. "Not bad" she said to herself as she took a glance at the mirror.

2 hours later she had given her speech and was now about to apparate to her house when she checked the time. 7:50. Shoot. She had no time to change and she couldn't apparate to the muggle restaurant where Luna told her to come, she decided to Uber.

"Hello miss" said the Uber driver

"Hello" Hermione replied

"Ledbury road right?" he asked

"Yes" she replied

20 minutes later she hopped out of the Uber and started to cross the street, when suddenly a car came out of nowhere. The last thing she could remember was lights flashing in her eyes.

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