The Confession(Fluff)

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Shuichi was relaxing in his room, after spending an enervative afternoon with Miu. She had a large amount of overly sexual inventions she was desperate to try on Shuichi, and, all of the pleeing and shouting tired him out. His brain felt fried, and he needed a moment to gain his energy back, before going out to chat with anyone else.

Much to his surprise, there was a knocking at his door. He stared at the wooden frame for a moment, perplexed. He stood up, sighing, and dragging himself over to the door. He was still mentally overworked and didn't think it was possible for him to speak to anyone else today. Well, if he did have to talk, he hoped it was at least someone like Kaito, someone he considered a much closer friend and someone to relax around. 'Please, don't be Miu..' he thought, as he turned the nob, and opened the door.

On the other side was Kiibo, someone who was gladly one of his closest friends. He gave a small sigh of relief, already feeling a bit more energized, and smiled kindly at Kiibo. He enjoyed talking to the robot, even if he constantly boasted about his multiple functions that seemed a bit too basic.
"Hello, Shuichi!" Kiibo said, keenly. He seemed to be displaying his usual aura of confidence.
"Hello," Shuichi responded. "What, um, brings you here?"
"Well," Kiibo began, "I wish to discuss some..confusing feelings I have been experiencing." He suddenly seemed tense and nervous.

Shuichi's face went from a polite, warm smile, to a frown of confusion. He felt conflicted and wondered why, out of everyone, Kiibo came to him for advice. He was never strong when it came to giving out information on subjects, specifically ones like these. But, if Kiibo was coming to him about this, he must have been the only person he felt comfortable to speak to about these new emotions.

He opened up the door for Kiibo, allowing him to come into his living quarters.
"Well, come inside, then. I might not be much help, but, if you came to me for advice, then there must be something I can do.."
Kiibo gave a polite nod at Shuichi, as he stepped inside of Shuichi's room. Kiibo was rather grateful that Shuichi was willing to offer him advice, even if he knew Shuichi wasn't the absolute best at giving it out. Shuichi closed the door behind him, once he made it into the room, and motioned at Kiibo to sit down on his bed.

They both plopped down onto the mattress, Kiibo suddenly seeming a lot more. Shy? Shuichi opened his mouth to say something, but, not even a squeak came from him. Kiibo seemed a bit embarrassed to speak, and Shuichi didn't know what to say to begin the conversation. What was going on? Why was everything..suddenly so tense, and uneasy?

With a slight 'ahem' from Shuichi, he began to speak.
"Well, um, what have you been feeling lately? Maybe, try to explain how you feel or what is making you feel that way."

Kiibo looked at Shuichi, his face growing a red tint over his cheek. With the way he was directly staring at Shuichi, the detective couldn't help but feel intimidated. Shuichi couldn't help but look away after a moment of them staring each other down. He felt a small blush forming across his face. Gah! Why was he acting so weird? Kiibo was his friend and needed aid. Being tense and awkward wasn't helping either of them, and Kiibo came to him for advice; He needed to assist him in understanding his new feelings.

He looked back over at Kiibo, who's red tint had grown more intense, his usually confident smile completely washed away.
"Well," he stammered, "Um, I have been feeling very strange things around you, Shuichi."

Shuichi gave a bewildered look at Kiibo.
"What do you mean, Kiibo? Am I making you feel bad, in any way?"
Kiibo quickly shook his head, easing Shuichi and assuring that indeed, no, these feelings were not unpleasant. He continued to speak.
"Of course not! These feelings are anything but unfavorable! In fact, if I am going to be honest, they are rather nice. I feel content around you. These feelings are, indeed, very nice. I feel warm inside when I am around you, and my chest hurts as well, but in an oddly good way."

Shuichi only continued to grow confused as Kiibo elaborated. He felt his own cheeks grow even stronger in warmth. Kiibo couldn't be..?
"I believe these feelings are called 'Love'..or, that is how Kaito explained it to me. And, I only feel this way around you, Shuichi.". Kiibo's voice died down into a soft whisper, that was serious yet gentle in tone.
"I do not even know if these feelings are exactly 'Love' or not, but...I do know that no one else has made me feel this way, Shuichi. Noone, except for you."

Shuichi's heart was racing, his body shaking, and mind was taken aback. Kiibo..Loved him? Sure, Shuichi had felt those same feelings towards Kiibo as well, but, he constantly dismissed them. He believed Kiibo could never feel the same, but, hearing that he did..Made Shuichi feel anxious, yet astounded, but also gleeful all at the same time.
"K-Kiibo..", Shuichi started, wanting to explain, but not finding the words to do so.
"Shuichi," Kiibo spoke, "Please, tell me, is this 'Love'?"

Shuichi still had no clue how to respond. It was more like he didn't know how to. After a moment of silence, Shuichi stammered to explain.
"Yes, um..t-that is 'Love', and.."

Shuichi paused breifly, feeling a tingly nervousness swirl up in his stomach.

"I feel the same twards you, Kiibo."

Kiibo looked shocked to hear Shuichi utter those words. But, at the same time, his chest felt warm and fuzzy once again. Was he happy about that? He felt his body involuntarily leaning into Shuichi a bit, almost as if his being wanted to be as close to the detective as possible. Why did he suddenly look so handsome?

"Are you being truthful with me, Shuichi?"
Shuichi gave a weak smile at Kiibo. He leaned in even closer as he said,
"Y-Yes, of course, Kiibo."
He fully leaned into Kiibo, their faces only inches apart, as Shuichi pressed his lips against Kiibo's.

Kiibo felt a wave of a surprise rush through him. He was dazed by Shuichi's sudden boldness, and couldn't help but feel a bit stunned. Yet, as soon as those feelings came, they were washed away by a calmness that echoed through Kiibo's very being. He closed his eyes, and gently kissed Shuichi back, those same fuzzy feelings burning in his chest.

They both felt total bliss in that very moment. Their kiss was slow, gentle, perfect; Nothing either of them could have ever imagined. After a few moments, they both pulled away, faces covered in red.
"I love you, Shuichi. I am sure of it.", Kiibo stated, his voice confident.
Shuichi smiled at the robot, giving him a hug.

"I love you, too, Kiibo.."

I love you, sweetheart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now