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Hello! Welcome back to me writing stuff about a robot and detective! OK, so,,I was planning to continue this but I legit lost inspiration to continue :(( But I shall continue it like Rn. Enjoy this dumb thing I came up with in like 5 seconds,,,

these two are gay and i appreciate it OK...........

  Kisses seemed to be given to nearly everyone for some individuals. To friends, family, love interest, even pets would get the sweet affection of soft lips. Yet, for Kiibo, kisses were not as simple as tender skin against tender skin. Being a robot, lips were deemed not necessary, as such delicate affection was not thought of in his process of creation. As Kiibo mentally developed, he believed this simple part of the human body was not needed for him, nor would it ever be. 

However, meeting a true love can change someone.

 Kiibo had realized just how important kissing in a long term relationship truthfully was. It would spark love, be used as a silent supportive word, and was common in the most intimate of actions. A simple kiss could go as far as those three magical words. A relationship without kisses was something the robot had come to realize was a flaw. He loved Shuichi so dearly, it hurt his metal heart in many ways knowing he couldn't express it outside of the word. 

 Considering the option to gain some form of softer texture around his mouth was a hard one. While Shuichi could easily kiss him upon his closed mouth, he knew that pressing something so gentle against cold medal was not a feeling to be desired. Shuichi has yet to complain about the subject, yet Kiibo's guilt still stung at his heart. How was it possible that his love never spoke a word of this matter? Was he overthinking this matter? His thoughts plagued his mind, filling him with a colorful rainbow of emotions.


 Hearing his name, the robot snapped back to reality, blinking a few times. Turning his head, he saw Shuichi, simply sitting next to him on the sofa. Had he been that distracted for so long? Sighing, Kiibo responded to the blue haired detective. "Yes, Shuichi?"

 Shuichi smiled at Kiibo, scooting closer to him. Tenderly caressing the robot's cheek, he leaned in, tilting his head ever so slightly and pressing his lips against Kiibo's mouth. Kiibo felt flustered, and tensed up due to the contact. Anxiety nagged at the back of his mind, preventing him from relaxing into the kiss. He had done this many times before, why could he not do it now? Realizing Kiibo's lack of kissing back, he pulled away, a worried look on his face.

 "Kiibo, whats wrong?"

 Kiibo was quiet, his face growing red. He spoke up, his voice nervously quiet.

 "I--...Do you really enjoy kissing me?"

 The detective was taken aback, confusion striking him. He stammered, his shock preventing him from forming a proper sentence. "W--What?" he questioned the robot, his look of concern growing. 

 "I mean, do you truthfully enjoy kissing me?" Kiibo started, diverting his gaze away from Shuichi. He continued, the robot's voice trembling with pent up anxiety, "I do not know how a human could enjoy kissing a robot. I know you most likely stay quiet about it because you do not want to hurt my feelings, but.."

 He trailed off, looking back at Shuichi. The sadness filling Kiibo's eyes pained Shuichi's heart. While it wasn't the greatest feeling the detective had experienced, he did enjoy pecking his lover on the lips every so often. The matter at hand, while seeming so simple, seemed to deeply trouble the robot. Shuichi frowned, looking Kiibo in the eyes.

"Of course I enjoy kissing you. It doesn't matter if it is a bit uncomfortable, what matters is that I kiss you because I want to, not because I feel like I have to. I kiss you because I love you, Kiibo. I really do. Please, don't think I won't love you any less for missing one trait," Shuichi explained to the robot, smiling gently. Kiibo himself could not help but crack a grin, his heart growing warm.

He leaned forward, touching his forehead with the detective's. A full smile crept onto his face as his eyes quietly closed.

"I love you too, Shuichi. Thank you.."

I love you, sweetheart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now