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Shuichi had speculated that he wasn't one to ever partake in physical affection. He never found it to be in his liking, and often would be embarrassed by a simple, friendly hug. He had come to the conclusion years ago that he did not enjoy such intimate contact.

Yet, when it came to his new boyfriend, Kiibo, he could barely contain his love in words alone. He would tenderly hug Kiibo when they sat together. He would intertwine their hands whenever they went on a stroll through the school. He would even periodically kiss Kiibo, and even these rarities became more prevalent in their everyday life.

It felt as if Shuichi's previous wall of disregarding any and all closer contact was crumbling down like a broken pillar.

Kiibo himself oddly enjoyed all of this contact. He enjoyed knowing that his lovely boyfriend was making progress from his previous state of shyness. He could tell Shuichi was making those small steps to eventually grow to love all kinds of physical interactions. How fast this progress would commence was something that caused Kiibo's statistics calculations to fall behind.

Shuichi and Kiibo had taken a liking to sleep in the same bed, and would often hug each other. Not cuddling, per say, but they did make sure to stay close to one another.

However, Kiibo wished to do a bit more tonight, to really let Shuichi know the extent of his affection. He had done plenty of research on the topic and made sure to set up a step by step plan for what to do. What was it, exactly, that kept his fan whirling?

As silly as he was telling himself it was, it was cuddling.

He was unsure if Shuichi would really want to do this, yet he also didn't know if it was good to ask. Asking the question he had in his mind may make Shuichi uncomfortable, or even upset. He did not want to upset Shuichi, yet he had also learned that not asking and learning of one's boundaries made for a strained relationship in the end.

Shuichi was merely laying next to Kiibo and was chatting about the latest detective book he had read. Kiibo had zoned out at this point and unfortunately was not paying attention.

"--And that has to be my favorite part of the show. The ending is amazing, don't get me wrong, but, that specific part always gets me every time.
What do you think, Kiibo?"

Kiibo turned to glance at Shuichi, his eyes carefully focusing on the blue-haired boy. Kiibo took in a breath and began to speak.

"Um, Shuichi? I do hate to ignore your question, as I am sure I would agree with you! But, I need to ask;
Would you wish to cuddle?"

Shuichi was taken aback slightly and stared at the robot. He had never cuddled before, so, he was a bit clueless as to how to answer. He was unsure if he would like it, yet it also made him feel happy that Kiibo had the decency to ask.

"Well, " Shuichi started, "I am unsure. I haven't cuddled before, and I don't know if I want to. But, as I haven't done it before.."

Shuichi trailed off, pondering on his answer for a second. Then, he continued

"Yes, I would love to cuddle with you."

Shuichi had a lighter tone to his voice and nearly sounded happy. Kiibo could feel Shuichi's stress levels rise slightly, however, which did concern him. He came to the conclusion that Shuichi was a bit nervous to do this, and thus felt a bit scared of the outcome.

"Ah, okay, " Kiibo stated, "I am glad you are willing to try. If you do not mind, come a bit closer."

Shuichi listened to Kiibo and pulled himself closer.

Kiibo carefully wrapped his arms around Shuichi in an affectionate hug, making sure to be thoughtful and tender with his movements. He could not imagen how uneasy Shuichi felt, so, he decided that taking this slow would be for the best. He pulled Shuichi closer, so the detective was pressed comfortably against his chest. He had seen in a video he watched that this creates a sense of calm and safety for the person being cuddled, which proved to be true as Shuichi relaxed in Kiibo's arms.

Kiibo couldn't help but feel an odd warmness in his chest. He felt happy, he decided. He was happy that Shuichi was enjoying this, as it appeared.

Shuichi wrapped his own arms around the robot, pulling Kiibo closer to himself. Kiibo could feel his blush spread across his face like a wildfire, but he did not pull away. No, instead, he cuddled against the detective, which seemed to calm Shuichi down even more. They both felt a tender contentness in the delicate yet close hug.

Kiibo, however, haulted his cuddles. Shuichi, perplexed, looked up to meet the robot's eye. Kiibo seemed to be focusing, but on what? Shuichi spoke softly, attempting to get his attention.


The robot didn't respond, but, Shuichi felt a very comfortable warmth emiting from Kiibo. Kiibo came back to his senses, and finally responded to Shuichi.

"I apologize," he began, "I was simply turning on my heating mechanic. I have learned that humans usually enjoy warmth when it's coming from a partner."

Shuichi smiled, and moved back into the comforting spot he was in previously. Now that Kiibo had turned on this mechanic, the hug felt even more welcoming and warm, like a big wooly blanking being wrapped around him. He was in utter bliss.

They both were, honestly.

Cuddling didn't seem so bad, after all.

I love you, sweetheart (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now