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"Do it again, you didn't pointe your toes!" Miss Abby screams.

As I go into my aerial, I fall on my head and everything goes black.


Melissa's Pov:

Maddie and I have been in the hospital, waiting for the doctor to tell us when we are able to see Mackenzie.

"Mom, do you think Mackenzie is gonna be okay?" Maddie asks worriedly.

"I know she will be honey!" I reply, trying to give my best smile even though I want to cry.

I see the doctor come out of Mackenzie's room and she starts walking towards us.

"You can go see your daughter whenever you wish and can leave whenever as well!" the doctor exclaims!

Maddie and I jump out of our chairs and rush to Mackenzie. We open the door and find Mackenzie awake.

"Mommy, where am I?" Mackenzie asks unknowingly.

"You passed out at dance and now you're in the doctors office, we can go now if you want?" I explain.

"Yay, can we get Chipotle on the way home?" Mackenzie smiles.

"Why not? Let's go!" I say.

We leave the office and head to Chipotle.

Mackenzie's Pov:

Yay, were going to Chipotle. I love getting a salad with steak, beans, cheese, and hot sauce, it's the best! We arrive to Chipotle and I run inside.

"Can I have a salad with steak, beans, cheese, and hot sauce please?" I ask with my best manners.

"Sure! Is this all?" she questions.

"No my sister and mom still need to order." I say.

While Maddie and my mom order their food, I decide to take a selfie. I take over 50 selfies but none seem to work out! I decide to just post an old selfie to instagram.

I load the picture of myself and put 'Starting to film Season 5!' Immediately, I get 3000+ likes and 100+ comments saying "You're so pretty" or "Ily, follow me!" I honestly get really annoyed when people spam me asking for a follow, like I'll follow you if you make me an edit with Nash and I, but that's it!

"Mackenzie let's get going!" My mom yells.

I hop in the car and plug in my head phones.

"Dang it got dark!" I examine.

On the way home there is tons of traffic and lots of beeping. I hate when people beep, it's annoying!

We go down a hill to avoid traffic and start to speed up. I notice 3 deer walking across the street. They just stay there looking at us. We start to get really close and they still stay still.

"Mom watch out!" I say as we hit two deer at once.


Cliff hanger! Hope you guys liked this chapter! Please fave and comment for more.

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