1. The Royals Arrive.

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"Everyone is to be ready to welcome me within three minutes." The first princess of the West Duchy orders her driver to pass on that message as she gets out of the shiny black car.

"Yes ma'am." The driver immediately drives off to inform the first White Cat he finds.

Chartreux Westia spies on a Black Dog who's having a casual conversation with her childhood friend under the bridge near Dahlia Academy's entrance. She smirks mischievously and clicks a few photos before walking towards the gates.

In the gardens right in front of the main building, she notices a figure. Curiosity awakens in her and she stalks towards it. As she gets closer, she sees a black blazer and her mischievous mind starts planning to cause a little trouble for this person.

The black blazer is on the face of the student, whose pants indicate that he's a boy. The shade of the trees and a cool breeze makes the princess notice how much of a perfect place this is for an afternoon nap.

How unlucky to be seen by me.

Her almost sadistic thoughts are put to a halt when a stronger breeze blows. She uses her right hand to support her skirt and her left to adjust her hair.

She looks at the Black Dog and sees his blazer flying towards her face. She pulls the blazer away with her left hand, leaving her hair to get messed up. The breeze has stopped and she looks at the student who has woken up.

He stands up straight and stretches himself with a yawn. After he cracks his knuckles, he notices his missing blazer in the hands of a White Cat girl he doesn't know.

As he walks towards the princess for his blazer, Chartreux sees everything. His tall and lean figure. Sapphire blue eyes tiredly looking at her. Inky black hair that flows with another light breeze of the wind. His left hand is in his pocket while the right covers his mouth as he yawns.

"My blazer." demands the student, so tiredly that she starts worrying about whether he's had enough time to sleep or not. Wordlessly, she hands him the blazer and he walks past her uttering a thank you.

She spins on her heel to look at his back and sees him stop after a couple of steps.

"Oi. Come here." He turns his face slightly and tells her.

"Huh? Who the hell do you think I am? You don't have any authority to order me around." She huffs at him, her attitude coming back to her.

She hears the click of his tongue and is late when she looks at him because he's already standing before her.

"Remove your tiara." He orders in the same authoritative tone she has heard her father use.

"Why do you think I'll follow your orders when it should be the other way around?" She brusquely asks and crosses her arms across her chest.

She feels her head lighten a bit and sees her tiara in his hands which causes her to rage.

"What do you think you're..."

"Shut up, you noisy female." He thrusts the tiara and his blazer into her hands.

"What are you..." Chartreux drops the tiara and the blazer and grabs both of his arms when she sees them approaching her face. She tries to push it back but this male is surprisingly strong and his hands don't even budge under her grip.

"Relax. Your hair is a mess with leaves and twigs." Her grip loosens and his hands reach her hair. They gently start picking leaves and throwing them away and Chartreux feels slightly at ease despite being too aware that he's a Black Dog.

The leaves and twigs are taken away but those large hands continued to fix her hair.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks with the intention to be polite but a bit of her snarky attitude manages to slip into her voice.

"You caught my blazer. This is gratitude for that." He says so quietly that it's almost a whisper.

"What makes you think I want your gratitude?" She regrets saying that with the same snarky tone but she can't help herself.

"You're Chartreux Westia, aren't you? Are you going to the school after some time with your hair looking like a bird's nest?" The student looks at her lazily and that makes her think that he was insulting her.

"How dare you speak to me like that?" She raises her hand for a punch but is stopped by one of his hands while the other continues to fix her hair.

"It's done." He retreats his hand from her hair and releases her fist and moves back a bit.

"Where's your tiara?" He asks, noticing that neither her tiara not his blazer are in her hands. Both of them are on the ground and he picks them up.

"Hold this. Don't drop it again." He says tiredly, yet teasingly.

She doesn't drop the blazer as he crowns her. He moves back again and looks at her again.

"That's good." He takes the blazer from her hands and walks away.

"Get inside before the wind messes your hair once again." The warning makes her furious and she stomps her feet in exasperation before donning a smile for her grand entrance.

As expected, the White Cats greet her with praises, flowers and a red carpet. To take out her unnecessary anger, she slaps Scott with an excuse of his existence being too dull and messes Juliet's hair a bit.

"Why aren't the Black Doggies celebrating my return?" She points her perfectly manicured nails at the Black Dogs.

Chartreux recognises the only guy sitting and challenges him. He dashes forward and almost punches her but when she reveals her knowledge of him going out with the darling Persia, he stops. She almost takes out the photos that she says she took under the bridge a while ago but the boy falls on his back on his own.

A boring day passes by as Romio Inuzuka becomes her loyal puppy and follows her every command and comes to her at every whistle.

By the end of the day, neither she hasn't met that Black Dog from before nor has she any intentions on freeing her little loyal puppy.

"Oi Inuzuka! Some guy entered your room with a large suitcase." One of the Black Dog students shout at him while he pathetically obeys his new master's petty commands.

"Who's that?" Chartreux demands immediately.

"How am I supposed... Oh my God! I totally forgot to tell you all!" He yells in horror.

"What did you forget, Romio?" Hasuki asks, worrying whether he would get in trouble for not revealing this piece of information to the others.

"He's supposed to come back today!" He suddenly starts running towards the dorms.

"Who?" She asks again.

"Yukikaze." He yells back at the rest of the Black Dogs.

A panic ensues and the Black Dogs start running around saying "Yukikaze-sama" and "party" and other words which the White Cats could barely understand.

Chartreux is a bit annoyed that her loyal puppy didn't ask for her permission before leaving but is still satisfied that she has troubled him so much.

That evening, the dorm of the Black Dogs were too noisy for the White Cats, but they couldn't intrude in like the Black Dogs who used to intrude in during Juliet's birthday parties and any other similar occasion. The dorms were locked tightly and properly and all their hounds had been set free to attack any intruders.

"Peru-chan." Chartreux calls her roommate from her bed. Juliet, who is brushing her hair before bed, looks up at the princess of her country.

"Yes?" Chartreux remains silent for while before she replies.

"Nothing." She resumes her train of thought.

A Black Dog fixed her hair just because she happened to be there when his blazer blew away and it conveniently landed on her face.


She lies back down and tucks herself inside the sheets. Within minutes, the princess of the West Duchy is asleep and so is Juliet Persia.

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