Imagine 5

701 10 0

You and Logan broke up after a argument. You had been arguing a lot these few months  and you decided that you had enough and ended it. Now your newly single, You wanna have fun and go out with your friends. You get all dressed up ,and planned to have the best night of your life and forget about Logan. You arrive at a party and see some nice looking guys but nobody caught your eye yet. After an hour of drinking , you started to get drunk, not really aware of anything. A guy comes over to you and asks politely for you to dance with him but you kindly decline, His sweet smile suddenly turned into an angry glare as he aggressively grabbed your wrist and demanded for you to dance. "No! Let go, you perv!" You shout as you see another tall guy come over and punch the other one who had a hold of you. Your rushed out of the house by the tall figure. "Are you okay?" he asked,  once he had brought you outside. "Yeah," you say, trying to get your vision back. Once it became clearer, you see Logan standing in front of you, "Oh...uh thanks." You say quickly before trying to get away. He grabbed your hand to face him. "Please Y/N i'm really sorry. I'm sorry for being difficult sometimes and tonight made me realize how much i love you and need you. I don't want to lose you babe." He rants. "Please give me a second chance!" You look at him smiling as your heart warmed his words. "I love you too Logan, and i'm sorry for being difficult myself. I don't want anyone else but you." you tell him, making him smile and hug you tight. You pull away and kiss passionately.

Hope You Enjoyed!
Word count~ 313
~ Sorry It's Me

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