The v scary break in

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It was a dank and memey night at the Phelps residence when Travis had just finished his daily hour of screaming in the corner. He began to waddle up the stairs and into his bedroom, when he heard an odd sound coming from inside. He quickly flipped on the light switch to reveal Sal, wearing a tortilla on his face instead of a mask.

He spoke frightening words, "Tis I, the sister skin snatcher, here to snatch your skin."

Travis looked down confused and then back up at Sal, "Where did you come from?"

And in that very moment, none other than Larry Johnson burst through the ceiling, "Where did you go? Where did you come from cotton eyed Joe?"

The smol twink sighed a heavy sigh and proceeded to exit his bedroom and go to the only other shelter he had; his bathroom.

The Frostiest Friendship: A Travis Phelps x Jesus Christ FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now