Here's to another year!

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As  we near the end of 2019 and a decade I wanted to thank everyone that has been part of the club in any way shape or form these past few years.

We've met new people and said goodbye to others, we have shared birthdays, weddings, graduations, anniversaries and learned about holidays and traditions that we probably would not have bothered much with in the past.  

To all of of the Past, Present and Future members  thank you for joining us and allowing us to be part of your life, even if its over an app and we never get to meet. I personally cherish the friendships we have created and brag about my  "friend from the middle of nowhere" to co-workers and family. (yes i've done it multiple times) I cheer on my friends that I have not met because it doesn't matter that we have never met in person and have no clue what we look like or have forgotten each others real names. You guys are know as my the friend from somewhere who to me looks like whatever your profile is 

I know we might lose some people again this upcoming year, we might also gain new ones, but I want everyone to be able to look back on this club one day and smile and laugh remembering all the weird stuff we did. I hope that one day you see a random object and it makes you smile because it somehow reminds you of that one friend you made and you hope they are living their best life.  This doesn't have to be just club members but anyone, friends through work, school or that one person you met on the bus that was really nice( I don't know).

So this year do something new.  Hit publish on that book sitting in your drafts. Submit your manuscript to companies.  Apply for that new job. Go back to school. Do something for YOU and don't let what others say about you define you.  

To everyone who made it this far and know me, I am not drunk ( though my job does provide free beer) nor am I on anything ( though dealing with some people I can see why the alcohol is available ) I just wanted to thank you all for allowing me to be part of such a random community where we can be our weird selfs with absolutely no judgment.  And to those of you reading that don't know me come join us we have the most interesting conversations on the LINE app.  ( I'm serious we did a group tutoring once for someones math assignment ) You won't hurt our feelings if you join and then leave, feel free to come say HI.

Here's to a whole new decade! 

Here's to a whole new decade! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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