Time of Volturi Life

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Ana's P.O.V

I opened my eyes, Aro was hovering over me. I smiled at him.
"Leah, are you alright? Please say something my dear." He said dryly and sobbing.
"Something?" I asked.
"Well she said 'something' that's good." Caius said.
"Ana, what happened?" Marcus asked.
I sat up and looked at then in each of their eyes. I signed.
"I need to tell my father Aro, it's about him and I but if you wish to hear it you may stay." I said.
"You little prick." Caius said annoyed.
I looked at Aro, and touched his right cheek, my memories and visions flew to him. He looked at me shocked.
"Aro, I'm your descendant." I said.
"WHAT!!!" My other fathers shouted.
"How!?" Caius asked not believing.
"Are you sure?" Marcus asked.
"Look at our bond again, see if am lying." I challenge Marcus.
He looked into our bond, it was an enormous line from generation back to generation. My bond with Aro was 300 generations back.
"It's true, her blood bond with Aro is 300 or more generations back to his era." Marcus confirmed.
I heard Felix and Demetri whistle.
Well, what do you know, being a descendant of a vampire was pretty, cool!

Aro's P.O.V

Days pasted since the revelation of finding out that Leah was my descendant. How could this be possible? My family had died at the hands of the king. Ah yes, my baby daughter, Gina, was saved by Mele, my neighbor and good friend's daughter saving themselves. For that I was thankful. Then memories of my past caught up to me, memories I fought to forget because it was too painful to even think about it. My wife, the woman who I give up my birthright to be with. Viana was her name. She had the smile of the sun and her skin made have been dark than fair but she shined like the moon in the night. Her hair was soft as the fur of an animal. Lips that felt like silk at the finest. Her deep chocolate brown eyes made me hungry for her. I loved that woman from the depths of my heart. So much that I pushed her out my mind.
I jumped off my chair and hit ground right on my bottom.
"We have guest daydreamer!" Caius snarled. I growled at him before standing up and saw no more than Carlisle Cullen in the throne room.
"Ah, Carlisle. Suppose you are here because we didn't show up at your bonding party." I said.
"Yes Aro, I like to speak with you, privately." Carlisle said.
I nod and took him to my studies.
When we got there, I closed the door and walked to stand three feet in front of him.
"Aro, I wanted to apologize and I had to have done this a long time ago. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings and harming you." I signed in annoyance.
"Carlisle, you made it clear that you didn't want my help and hand. I had accepted that a long time ago. I got over it and moved on, now it doesn't hurt me as much as it used to. Carlisle just let it go. Alright, I'm fine." No am not but not for Carlisle's friendship but for Leah's sake.
Carlisle looked at me sadly, that made me groan.
"Look, you got friends around the world, I do not. Okay? Maybe being friends was the greatest mistake of our lives." I said.
"No Aro, don't say that." Carlisle walked forward but I stepped backwards away from him. He stopped.
"Carlisle let this go. I don't want to be friends with you ever again. Yes you hurt me deeply and humiliated me in front of all your allies. Did you thought for one minute the agony and shame you put me through? It hurt. So much to make me hate you, then I realize that no matter how much the good person is, there will be an ugly side of him. So no! I do not like you, and take your sorry ass out my sight. You may stay here if you like, you're welcome. I do forgive you but you'll never ever have my friendship. We will never talk to each other or look at one another. Starting now." I growled crossing my arms. He sobbed, mouthing 'I'm sorry' then walking out of my study room.
"He will feel guilty for the years to come." Leah walked in from her portal.
"At least I restrained myself from shouting at his face." I said still angry.
"Stop your hate and love him as your enemy. For you not to build a pit around you, if you let your anger take control over you you'll never stop. It's wise to let go and start forgetting the wrong and forgive those who have wronged you or else you will be alone in the dark." She said with wisdom.
"How can I start?" I tested her.
"Carlisle did his part, you do yours as in forget and forgive, then your hurt will heal in time and your humiliation forgotten." I swallowed my venom. She was right. I can't let this control me.
I turn my heels and ran after Carlisle. In my vampire speed I caught up to him.
"CARLISLE WAIT!!!!!" I hollered.
He stopped and turned to me.
I crushed into him embracing him.
"I forgive you my friend." I managed to say. He wrapped his arms around me returning my embrace. We stood like this for a while before we separated. I looked in his eyes as he looked into mine.
"Aro, Edward said you were thinking about your past but he couldn't point it out." I finch at his attempt to talk about it. Seeing my discomfort he quickly changed the subject. "How've you been?"
"Good and you?"
"I've been alright."
"So, are you staying?"
"Why yes. For a month." My eyes widen.
"A month? Why?" I was not believing it.
"Well all my family is out for a vacation on their own. My supervisor told me to get vacation so I thought, why not?"
He side hugged me when.
"AHHH! F*****G GUARD YOU HAD GOT ON MY F*****G LAST NERVE!!!" It was Caius.
"What's going on?"
"Trouble." I said.
We walked to the throne room when we saw Caius covered in oatmeal.
"Oh my God, Caius." He turned and looked at me angrily.
"This is not funny Aro!" He snarled.
"I'm not laughing but you looked horrible." I said.
"Well thank you brother, I'll take that as a compliment." Caius said quickly and sarcastically.
"Demetri, Alec, you two go and help Caius get cleaned up. The rest of you clean here and meet Aro here in ten hours." The guard looked at me and I nodded. They did as Carlisle ordered without any word.
"Well, that's anew, you ask them to do something in the 1700s now in 2000s you are ordering them."
"Well that's changes when you become leader of the coven." I agreed with him.

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