For him nothing is impossible

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The days past, miraculously no vampires were breaking the law or heard about the third queen's resurrection.
Aro got better now could walk on his own. Sulpicia stood by his side from then and on.
Athenodora stayed up in the tower for peace but whenever Caius was alone, she would go to him to keep him company.
All the male guards went out on their new found hobby, rap battle.
The female went on to make cookies, cupcakes, cakes, and anything they could cook in the kitchen. Which of course brought questions to Aro and Caius to why would they want to bake or cook human food.
One time, Renata was preparing oatmeal for a prank, put green food coloring in it. Setting it on a hallway door, setting the video camera and then hid in her spot.
When there was a furious shout, Renata trembled knowing that the screams belong to one of the leaders and that leader was Aro.
Weeks pass then months. At the end of the year, Ana set up a party of their own to welcome 2018.
The place was set for the Volturi party. Fresh blood filled the cups and they celebrated New Year's Eve.
At that moment Eve came in with urgent news of Didyme and Marcus.
"Masters!! It's Master Marcus! He says that Didyme keeps throwing up her blood and is very sick!" Aro's heart dropped. His sister was sick and doesn't know where she is.
"Where are they!" He yelled scared.
"They are on their way here now. Be here in thirty minutes minimum." She reported.
Aro waited at the entrance of the castle. When Marcus came in with a past out Didyme in his arms, he grit his teeth to not to shout. He ran to Marcus.
"What happened?" He demanded.
"I don't know. She was fine, we were together day and night, she was feeding just fine. Then one morning when she snatched a killer and drained him of his blood, she grew it out! I don't know what to do, I tried everything I could but she then was fainting, getting depressed, angry, she even cries at night." Marcus was devastated.
"Get her to Ana, she has the power of healing." Caius said and they took her to Ana.
Ana searched for any signs of sickness, there was none. Signs of deceive, none too. When she unclothed her to examine deep, her hand touched her belly and she felt movement. She put her ear to Didyme's abdomen and hears.....a heartbeat. A heartbeat.
Then looking at that Marcus had said to what was happening to her.
Vomiting, faints, mood swings, tiredness, that all could mean one thing.
Didyme was pregnant. Impossible.

Ana's P.O.V

After examining my mother, I clothed her in nightdress and set her comfortably. Then went out the room and tell my fathers and mothers the great news.
"Ana you could tell what it was?" Caius asked me.
"What's wrong with her Leah? Please we have to know." Aro pleaded.
"Is she going to be alright?" Marcus asked crying.
"Well, what I am going to tell you is unbelievable yet true so please do not faint." I waited when they settled at ease. "She's pregnant."
No one spoked.
No one moved.
No noise.
Dead silent.
Well that changed of course.
"Woohoo! I'm going to be an uncle! I'm going to be an uncle! I'm going to be an uncle!!" Aro was excited.
Caius could faint if he would.
Marcus looked at me astonished. I held his hand and showed him my memory.
"Go to your wife." I said and he went.
Sulpicia and Athenodora were so happy they dance and so did the guard.
As I said the Volturi will have a future.
So powerful to be broken.

Marcus P.O.V

As I sat on the side of my bed watching my love sleeping. I touched her belly and felt something kicked. It was certainly that there was a life in my wife's womb. She is carrying my child, my baby. Our fruit of our love. It moved towards my hand and it smuggled to my touch. I brought my lips to her belly and it jumped.
"Mm." My wife was awaking.
"Marcus?" She said with her eyes closed.
"My love." Keeping my hand to her belly, I shifted to face her. She turned and then flattered her eyes opened looking around.
"Where are we?" She asked.
"Home in Volterra." I replied.
"What happened to me?" She was scared then mad e a motion of being touched from inside. "What was that?"
"My love, you are pregnant." She starred at me in shock. Even she could not believe this.
"I'm pregnant?" I nodded my head. Her eyes swelled up with human tears. I was overwhelmed and beyond anything else.

Aro's P.O.V

I am so excited and very anxious about my sister's pregnancy. I was also scared of the child would become an immortal at a young age and not grow and worse, be not able to control its thirst.
"You worry too much father." Leah came into my room.
"How do you now I'm worried?" I asked.
"You're pacing." She points out.
"Well I have reason to worry my dear." I point out.
"Yes, he will be an immortal child, a growing immortal child. He will age in years but he will look young in features. Grow with beauty and grace. Elegance and pure. He will be extremely beautiful, much more than the bitten or the hybrids. I believe you can stop thinking about that plan. Father you will not only have sons but daughters as well. All in their time." She said.
I cried at her words. Even I will have an immortal child of my own. My blood, flesh and venom. I nodded to my daughter and nod her head and walked out of my room.
Looking out the window, I closed my eyes and give this this prayer;
I don't know what you have seen in us to give us such a gift as this,
My life was nothing but dark and void filled our hearts,
But ever since you put One of your servants in our lives there has been a change,
She made us be stronger and bigger people, person,
She knew of us yet she stayed when she could leave by your power,
But she stayed,
Her prayers you answered and by your grace you give us this when we don't deserve it,
Is it because of the services she gives or her prayers for us,
I don't know,
All I know is that you look in each and every one of us and decide to bless us,
Thank you,
Tell me what you seem in us?

Third P.O.V

Every one was in the throne room. Marcus had let his wife sit in his throne, rubbing her belly loving the kicking and the jumping.
Aro had walked to his sister and rub her belly. The baby mostly smuggled to his touch and calmed down.
Sulpicia looked at the lovingly in Aro's throne.
"Looks like he knows who is his uncle and father. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to have Marcus' gift." Marcus smiled at his brother and hugged him.
There was no words to be said.


The Volturi's lifestyle changed. Now instead of tourists, they buy fresh blood bags and drink from those who happened to come in their way but they don't kill them.
It was surely that Ana was with them for a purpose, and that purpose was in her vision.
Didyme's belly was growing in human pace. The baby was strong as a newborn but it never could hurt its mother.
Sulpicia, Athenodora, and Corin were always attentive and caring over her. Feeding her when was Marcus' turn to feed Ana.
The Volturi brothers are now closer than ever.

A new life is born

Aro and Didyme were talking about the baby names when...
"No brother, something that starts with the letter 'm' like-AHHH!"
"Didyme! My sister, what's wrong?"
"I think it's time."
Aro carried her to her room where Marcus was reading a book about childbirth when Aro burst in with Didyme huffing.
"It's time."
They set her in bed and went to her side when she begged them not to go.
As she breathed, she could feel her baby passing through her.
Her pain, her agony, her screaming, was all worth it when his head popped out.
Sulpicia placed her hand to deliver him safely.
Then he came out with a cry.
An immortal baby, so small, so innocent and beautiful.
Didyme and Marcus embrace their son.
"Hello my love, God bless you, welcome to the world." Didyme kissed his tiny forehead.
"Erebus." Marcus named him.
"I was going to request you 'Hymen'." Aro said.
"I wanted Martin." Didyme said.
"Then put them all together." Sulpicia suggested.
"Martin Erebus Hymen." Didyme liked it, so did Aro and Marcus.
"Welcome to the Volturi, Martin Erebus Hymen Volturi." Aro held his nephew.

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