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Maul stared intensely at the monitors around the planet. Observing the nearby ports and clearings. He knew the Jedi Master wouldn't land in a port, he would want to surprise Maul. Maul shifted his gaze to a separate group of monitors. The showed the activity in and out of the Jedi's Temple on Coruscant. In the deep midst of thinking, he was pleased that these cameras were still active, yet he realized that he would have to disconnect these cameras somehow. If his old master realized that these cameras were still being used that his old master would want to trace the source.

Maul shifted in his seat. No, his master was already here or had someone come here within those three days of hiding and had shut everything off. Any sort of evidence that the Sith were ever here had been eliminated. It had off settled Maul at first with him considering that someone else was already here when they arrived. However, after doing a few searches throughout the entire building with the padawan blindfolded, he confirmed that the entire area was completely void of life. It had given him the advantage to make the padawan believe the that the building was much bigger than its actual size. He remembered as the padawan was trying to memorize the way to his cell until he began to get confused with all of the turns and elevator rides. It had made Maul want to burst out in laughter.

Maul was just about return to watching the monitors until he sensed the young padawan examining the small room Maul had left him in. Maul took deep breath as he analyzed his current situation. It would have to take more than his master's safety to get him to crumble to the dark side. As Maul thought of his next step, a familiar face caught his attention, the padawan's master and he wasn't alone. Maul watched as the two Jedi Masters walked with determination to the ship hangar.

Maul hummed with amusement as his plan started to come together on its own. He stood from the monitors, turning them off, and walked to the padawan's cell to see if the padawan would agree to his new deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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