Chapter 8

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I woke up.

Azazel is beside me. Levi and Yui as well...

"What the hell are you all doing here?!"

As I shouted, strong magic fluctuations appeared and woke them up.

"!?!" (Trio)

"Wake up! What are you two doing here?! I believe that I only slept with Azazel yesterday!"

"N-Nii-sama! Please stop shouting... W-We just went here because we want to sleep with you"

"If you want to, then just tell me"

"I-I'm sorry, Nii-sama..."

"No, its already fine... Levi-chan, cook for now, I will go back in an hour"

Then I left and went to the Guild while wearing my sleeping clothes.

"W-Welcome, Lux-sama?" (Francesca)

"Good morning"

"What are you doing here? And why are you dressed like that?"

I am currently wearing pajamas.

"I would like to take a request"

"Eh? But you don't have any equipments?"

"I will fight them with my fists..."

"W-well... That can be done... But I recommend you to buy slaves if you don't want to be in danger while fighting in that clothes.

"I see... Then, can you guide me?"

"O-Of course!!"

Then we left the guild as I followed Francesca.

We arrived at a good looking building after a few minutes.

"In this Empire, the business of Slave Dealing is legal"

"I see... Then, let's go inside?"


Then we opened the door and entered.

"Welcome~ are you here to buy a slave?"

"Uh.. Yes"

"Then, this way please"

A bearded guy guided me to another room where there are various demihumans... There are also humans as well.

As we were looking at different slaves, a certain woman which I think is a bit older than me took my interest.

"What is she?"

"Well.. She is from the Ice Wolf Race... She may be a bit of a trouble because she haven't revealed her true name yet..."

"True name? What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, if you know a demihuman's true name, you can command them to do anything you want them to do without receiving resistance from them..."

"I see... I will take her"

"E-eh?! But a demihumans who have revealed it's name is much more convenient to use around!" (Slave Trader)

I then paid for her.

If you are going to ask which took my interest about her... It is her eyes. Her eyes looks like it hates everything and wants to have revenge.

"Tell me, who are you? I don't really need to know your true name..."

"I-I am Seria..."

"I see, then Seria, I am Lux... If you are thinking why I bought you, it is to help you with what you want to accomplish"


It looks like I hit the spot...

"I know you want to take revenge on a certain someone... Although I don't know who it is, but I will help you"

"R-Really? You can help me?"

"Of course, I will help you, but I need you to promise your loyalty to me and only me..."

"I-I promise! I, Seria, will follow anything you want as long as this slave crest remains!"

"I see... Let's go then"

Then she timidly followed me. Francesca already left after I bought Seria.

I walked back home.

As I am about to enter, Yui came out of the mansion.

"N-Nii-sama, who is she?"

"Um... She is Seria... My slave"

"S-S-Slave?! B-but where did you met her?!"

"At a Slave Dealer's shop"

"I see... But what do you plan to do with her?"

"Well... I want her to accomplish her goal"

"Goal? What goal?"

"Revenge... She wants to have revenge against someone"

"I see... But who does she want to take revenge to?"

"I don't know yet... Anyways, let's go inside first and eat"

"Y-yes! I completely forgot about that"

We entered the house and introduced Seria to the others.

"M-Master, is it really alright if I eat with you?" (Seria)

"Of course..."

"T-thabk you very much for your kindness, Master"

"It is nothing... But I would like to ask something"

"W-what is it, Master?"

"Who is your target for revenge?"

"I-It is the Demon Lord..."

"D-Demon Lord?!"

"Yes, Master"

"B-but, why do you want to take revenge on the Demon Lord?"

"H-He wiped of my hometown..."

"I see... I'm sorry"

"Master? Why are you apologizing?"

Then, I let my true form emerge.

"Y-You, you are the Demon Lord?!"

"Ah... Yes..."

"But... This feeling, it is different from the demon lord that attacked our village..."

"Maybe it is the past demon lord..." (Levi)

"There are other demon lords?"

"Yes... You are a new demon lord, Lucifer-sama"

"I see... Your names are also different so maybe it is not really you"

"Can I ask you what is the name of the previous Demon Lord?"

"I think it is Primrose... And the demon lord before has a more feminine voice"

"I see... That is indeed Primrose-sama" (Levi)

"Thinking about it... I can't help you anymore... But I can still guarantee your safety"

"But, why you, who is a Demon Lord, do all of this?"

"Well... I am not really a bad person..."

"Master, thank you"

"Its nothing... Anyways, I am sorry"

"T-that is already in the past, Lux-sama... Let's forget about it already"


We ate breakfast as we continued talking till night.

After our long talk, we took some rest as we need energy for the event tomorrow.

Hey! Cliffhanger? Not really?_fine... I am tired so bye!

That Time I Reincarnated as a Demon Lord/ その時私は悪魔の主として生まれ変わりましたWhere stories live. Discover now