Chapter 12

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I immediately woke up and headed to the place where such dense amount of bloodthirst is being emitted.

"Who are you?"

I asked as I readied in my battle position.

"I am the direct descendant of the Goddess, Almyra-sama!"

"I see... So, who are you, exactly?"

"I am the third summoned hero! My name is Atsuki Hiro! I am the hero of wrath!"

"Hero of wrath huh... So why have you been directing such amount of bloodlust to me?"

"Because I know who you are! You are Lucifer, the Demon Lord!"

"Tsk... So you knew me? In that case I shall exterminate you once and for all"

"Go on and try!"

He said as if to provoke me. But since, I am not a type of person that can easily be provoked, I calmly dashed towards him and hit him with a small amount of mana that can easily kill the previously summoned hero. But to my surprise, he have only backed away for a few meters, and he is also still standing.

"Is that all you've got? You are pretty weak?"

"Oh, am I? Well in that case, would you like more?"

"Ho~ so you got more? Bring it!"

I then simply kicked his abdomen upwards which made him flew up. As he is flying upwards, I immediately landed a barrage of hit to his body.

As to deal the final blow, I kicked him again, but this time, it is to push him down.

As his body landed into the ground, the land seemed to be gouged out as various mound of dirt can be seen here and there.

After a few seconds, he still got up but his body has been severely damaged.


As soon as he said that, the wounds on his body was gone and his body became more bigger and more muscular.

"Is that all?"

"For now... You can attack me now if you want, it won't damage me anyways"

I said. After saying that, I immediately regretted it because various cuts can be seen throughout my body.

"Does it hurt? I know it does!"

"Well... A bit"

I said as I showed my body. To his surprise, my body is also perfectly normal, but the thing that he didn't noticed is that my power has rose even further than his.

If I compare it using levels, I have risen to level 50 while he is at 30.

"Your strength is pretty decent"

"Thank you for that, but I shall end this now!"

He said as he rushed towards me with him pointing his sword to me.

Before it hit me, I grabbed it and snapped it into two which made him furious so he decided to hit me with various punches into my body.

I then received every attack he made. After a few minutes of punching me, he got considerably tired as his breathing became rough and he cannot even stand straight.

"Is that all you've got?"

"Why you?! Overdrive!"

He said something as his strength has rose considerably but it is still lower than mine.

He then continued his barrage of attacks but I am still standing right in front of him.

I can feel that his attacks have gotten stronger and faster.

I then sent a punch on his head which made him fly away a considerable amount away from me.

"Are you satisfied now?"

"No! Not yet! I will fight for the kingdom! I will not lose to someone like you!"

"I see... But let me ask you something... Did I harmed this place? Did I killed humans?"

"I-I don't know... But you are a demon lord so it should be possible that you already did!"

"Well... That should be true... But, why do you intend to fight for the people? To gain influence? Money? Fame? Or nobility?"


"Those things will only last for when you are alive... So why do you choose those when you have the strength to live your own life"

"But... You are a demon lord so I cannot let you freely live"

"I see... I am certainly a demon lord, but I will tell you... I am also a reincarnated person like you"


"I am... My name is Yakagi Kai"

"Y-Yakagi Kai?!"

"Etto... Do you know me?"

"Of course! You are an author of a manga series right?"

"Come to think of it... I certainly did some manga when I was only 14... Do you mean, you have read those?"


"Etto... How old are you, exactly?"

"I-I'm 16!"

"So um... What is the title of that book again?"

"I-It was this!"

He then took out a book out of his spatial storage.

"Oh... This one titled ****************?"

"Yes! I am really a big fan of yours!"

"I see... But, this is an alternate world where I am the demon lord and you are the hero..."

"I still respect you and I know that you are not really a bad person so... I will return back to the kingdom and report that I can't beat you... But I will return once again, Ka-"

"Call me Lux, and I am an adventurer here..."

"So... I will return once I became stronger, Lux-san!"

"I will wait for it"


He the left so I returned back to the inn.


That Time I Reincarnated as a Demon Lord/ その時私は悪魔の主として生まれ変わりましたWhere stories live. Discover now