Chapter 9

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Wassup? As I have promised to a certain someone, I will build up action per chapter and add a fight scene! Yay!!! Anyways, please continue to support my stories!


(Unknown POV)

"So, the hero has rebelled against us? But, what made you think of that?"

"Well, I have detected the mana wave of the hero and the demon lord together but they are not even fighting"

"Maybe, the hero has been taken as hostage?"

"No, the hero has not been taken as hostage"

"I see..."

"So what do we need to do now, Your Highness?"

"We'll observe them and take proper action if necessary"

"I see... That will the best thing to do, Your Highness"


I woke up early because I have been thinking about something.

"G-Good morning, Nii-chan"

"Ah... God morning, Azazel-chan"

"Um... Nii-chan? Are you thinking about something?"

"H-How did you know?"

"Well... I can easily see it in your face..."

"I see... I'm just thinking about something not so important"

"I see... Anyways, what will we do about Seria?"

"I still want to keep her around, maybe she will still be useful"

As we were talking, we suddenly felt a strong killing intent directed to us.

"But, that guy is really far here... Anyways, let's visit that guy"

Then I secretly teleported us to where the killing intent is coming from.

"Hey, care to explain who are you?"

Then the figured jumped away because of surprise.

"Y-you! Why did you took away my precious Yui-chan?!"

"Oh... Yui-chan huh... But she is not yours, right?"

Then the figure got irritated and removed it's mask.

"Don't you know who I am?! I am Viscount Dravius!"

"Nope don't know you..."

"Why you!!!"

"Anyways, don't you know who I am?"

"Of course I know who you are! You are a [Diamond] ranked adventurer named  Lux Cipher!"

"No I am not... Anyways, if I let you know who I really am, you will just need to die"

"Are you mocking me?! You are not even worthy of your rank!"

"I see... You are indeed getting into my nerves"

I then immediately released my killing intent. Compared to his, the killing intent he releases is only like a drop unlike mine which can be compared to an ocean.

"I-I-I-I w-w-will b-be b-back!!!"

Then he immediately ran away.

"Pft, such a coward" (Azazel)

"Well... He is not really strong compared to me but I wonder how can he release such bloodlust that is unimaginable for a human"

"Well... That's true"

That Time I Reincarnated as a Demon Lord/ その時私は悪魔の主として生まれ変わりましたKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat