Chapeter 1

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Y/N (your name) B/N (brothers name)  N/N (nickname)  F/C (favorite colour) H/C (hair colour) H/L (hair length) E/C (eye colour) S/T (skin tone)                             

You woke up to hearing you alarm going, you lifted you head with seeing all your hair in the way. "Y/N breakfast is ready!" you herd your father yelling from downstairs                                                        "Ok be there in a minute!" you yelled back as a reply.


You walked into your kitchen to see your older brother B/N and father sitting at the table waiting for you,                                                                                                                                                                                      "About time you got up," B/N said in a harsh-full tone as he scrolled on his phone ready to eat       "B/N! what would you like to eat dear?" your father asked                                                                               "You haven't made breakfast yet?"                                                                                                                               "No, i didn't know what you wanted, that's all,"                                                                                                     "Just hurry up and choose Im starving!" B/N butted in                                                                                       "I'll just have cereal"                                                                                                                                                             "Ok dear,"                                                                                                                                                                                     Your father lept up from the table and went to the cuboard full of plates and bowls and grabbed your favorite one; the F/C one, as he was busy making your breakfast you decided to take a seat next to B/N, as you sat net to him he turned his eye all the way to look at you for a split second; it made you a little uncomfortable,                                                                                                                                  "Here you go dear," as your father pasted a F/C bowl full of crunchy nut cornflakes (i struggled to think of a cereal)                                                                                                                                                                   "thanks" was your only respond.

After you finished your breakfast you went back upstairs to get dressed ready for school at Kunugigaoka High, you were still confused on why Korosensei decided to teach your class out of them all, and to teach you all to get higher scores on your tests for a brighter future. You were finally dressed in your very short skirt you always hated with you white buttoned up shirt with a black tie,

 Just before school started you forgot where you put your hair brush (IDK) and you knew that you couldn't go to school with a birds nest on your head!  so you searched every where, under your bed, in your wardrobe, and in the bathroom, just before you left the bathroom you noticed a comb so you grabbed and and went through pain to just brush your hair, (that's happened to me before and it does hurt like hell) once you were done you saw that it was 8:30,                               "Oh god its time to leave!"                                                                                                                     

You arrived at the school, ready to start class but just as you were about to walk through the front door you were greeted by a yong red headed boy. Karma Akabane.                                                 "Hey there Y/N, your late in how come?" the way he said his words to you always had you nervous or at least on egde,                                                                                                                                              "Oh its nothing serious, just-um-a little late today is all," ypu replied nervousely, an awkward silence came, you were so embaressed.

Ok i know that there were loads of spelling erors but idc. i hope you all enjoyed my first one and have fun reading it.

Yandere Karma x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora