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Once again, it was another day; hearing B/N music booming from his room next door you get up from the loud sounds. You felt a chill run down your spine, you were frozen to the bone; seconds pasted and you felt like you could move again so you did.

TIME SKIP                 

After a long day you went to bed early, B/N wasn't playing music this late, thank god, but as soon as walked into your room, you were frozen again. Terrified to move you just thought that it was you're mind playing tricks on you so you ignored it and tried to carry on with the evening. A hand with a drenched cloth covered your mouth for about 15 seconds, you were tying to break free as you slowly got more tired until you passed out.

you woke up to see a red headed boy, you couldn't make out who it was due to your sight being blury until...                                                                                                                                                                             "Well, well look who woke up," you reconised the voice but before you could replay the male toned voice continued "I wanted to use more Chloroform but if i did so i might have been, well dangerous," he continued. You figured it out, it was Karma, he was the one! 

You eye sight came back to see that you were in an unrecognise-able place, but what stood out most was Karma, chucking a knife in his had and catching it; you were truly speechless.                   "WHY?" you yelled not knowing what he would give back,                                                                               "Oh my dear Y/N, you are clearly confused, do you remember when you were texting that boy last night,"                                                                                                                                                                                "How do you know?" you asked in a confused, scared tone                                                                              "That's my job, and as i was saying it oviously made me jealous so i took action,"                                 "By k-kidn-apping me?" you stutterd but his only reply was 'yes' it sent shivers down my spine.

The next morning you wanted to die. but had a pretty boring day but Karma trusted you and set you free from his basment. he had to leave for some time so you were home alone but with every exit door and windows locked, but since you wanted to die so badly you went to the kitchen ad slit you're wrists.

Karma walked through the front door and feel in shock as depression hit him like and arrow to the chest. Soon after he joined you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2019 ⏰

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