Thank You

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So, that's it!! Strange New Eyes has reached its end, and it you're reading this, so have you. Thank you so much for reading my experiment with dark fantasy, and thanks for sticking through it. I write for myself, but it's so much more fun when I have someone to share it with.

Another big thanks goes out to my sister, who read this book even though she dislikes fantasy and is creeped out by blood. You're a trooper, my dude. I promise the next book I write will be less gross.

Thanks to everyone in my unpopular little discord chat for the awesome advice, dank memes, kind words, and fresh tea. You guys kept me going when I was about to give up, and for that you deserve all my love.

Thank you to my creative writing class and to my prof who told me I should be a writing major, which may be the nicest thing I've ever heard. He might change his mind if he reads this draft, but thanks to him and my awesome critique group I know where to start on revisions.

Thanks to Pandean for inspiring me with her own awesome action scenes to try to write action scenes of my own, as well as her constant supply of selfies, advice, and Buffy gifs.

Thanks to fruitofthegoon for the literally hundreds of comments on this thing that more often than not made me laugh out loud. Readers like you are why writers like me are on this little orange site.

Thank you vkbloodgood, threematches, epichorn31, and Tutteredboast  for being the wonderful steady readers writers dream of. Seeing those notifications that you guys voted on my new chapter gave me the motivation to finish this, the longest single thing I've ever written. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it!

And thanks again to you, you awesome, determined reader, for making it through my rough first draft of this experimental high/dark fantasy romance with characters that have been changed so many times they're barely recognizable. I worked hard on this, and I'm happy that you read it to the end.

And that's it. This is the end.

I think it's time for me to take a nap.

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