Chapter 7

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Jazz is time to go to school hurry up we are about to go.
   "Mom pls wait .i haven't taken my bath or brush my teeth   
mom is going to be really mad at me  if she should see me like this,"so I only brushed teeth,wash my face,applied a little makeup and wore the cloth I brought out  when I came back from the party last night.
"After literature class I was so happy because I answered all the questions that nobody could answer and our teacher Mrs Johnson was pretty good at her work and she was not rude like that.........
   "I and rose went to the cafeteria during break that was when I saw Taylor waving at me and rose  to come over .
       "When we got there I saw two black American girls sitting next to him one on black hair texture and the other on brown,I also saw two gays sitting beside him
Hi Taylor I said looking at him ,Hi Jazz he said  ,pls let me introduce my friends he pointed at the two girl ,this is Ella and Lisa hi they said it's nice to meeting u Jazz ,this it Dan and  Kelvin hi I said to them .
Ok it's  nice we all know each other Taylor said.
"Lisa was ok for me but Ella I think she did not like me because of my how I was looking at her attitude.  Any way I did not mind at all ."Jazz,Taylor called me , ya u called , I just wanted to say that u look nice today ,thanks I said  with a smile .
"Taylor! the boys said we are going to the gym ,ok said Taylor "is nice meeting you jazz they said to me and I replied back with a slime nice to meeting u guys
"Bye the girls gave them a hug and they kissed each other.
"Rose are they together ,I asked,yes rose said ,that Lisa is Dan's girl and Ella is Kelvin girl
"Ok I said then how about Taylor does  he have any u know......
"Yes but she left him for one guy named Jery he was heart broken but at last he managed to continued with his life waiting for the right one.
"I think I will be this next one ,I said in my thoughts 😊😊
  "School was over then my mom came  pick up as usual.
"I wish I could have my own car 🚗 so I could come to school when I want and go back to the house not when I want because if don't come home when is I'm a dead meat .

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