Chapter One

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Some people believe in destiny, but I believe we make our own destiny. You can't always control what's thrown at you but you can control the way you react and maybe that's all that you need.

Chapter One

"Babe, did you make this?" I heard the familiar thick accent of the man that had taught me what the definition of love was. A small smile crept onto my lips as I walked over to where he was standing, leaning over a table, peering into an open book that I had stuffed full of pictures.

"Yeah," I mumbled. as I flipped a page of the book and my eyes rested on a picture of him and I. I was wearing skinny jeans, white converse with and an oversized hoodie and he had baggy grey sweats with a white muscle shirt hanging from his bare chest. His blonde hair fell over his forehead as I stood behind my keyboard covering my mouth from laughter. He had his hands on his hips and was making some sassy pose. "Do you remember that?" I asked, smirking at the picture.

"It was the first week we had met when we were doing prep for the tour last year." I watched as he turned from the book and looked over to me, his eyes seeming to be watching the memory in my eyes as he leaned a few more centimeters in to plant a kiss on my cheek. But before he pulled away, his lips lingered above my skin and mumbled something that I sore I would never forget, "How did I get so lucky?"

I felt his strong hands grasp my waste and pull me to a coach that was pushed to the side of my hotel room. I reached for the book that I had been filling while we were on tour before I was pulled away and nuzzled against the crook in his arm.

I looked up at him as he continued to study the pictures of the past year and a bit. I had memorized where each freckle laid on his nose and each crease around his eyes. I could hardly remember life without him, especially since I didn't have any family. Since my only family were my aunt and uncle who lived in Vancouver, Canada, the rest of the boys and Niall were my family. He was who I went to when the hate and the media got too much for me to handle. I went to him when I missed my parents or when I was nervous about a show. It was then that he would wrap his arms around my waste and hum some melodic lullaby from my childhood in my ear or throw me over his shoulder and make me watch a movie with him. One day I was being interviewed and I was asked what I would do if Niall broke up with me. I just sat there in silence for a few seconds trying to think because I had no idea what I would do. He was always there for me and even though I had other friends, he loved me, even after knowing everything about me. That in itself kept me in awe.

After a few seconds he realized that I had stopped looking at the pictures and smiled down at me. "Remember that?" he lightly said between a chuckle as he pointed to a picture of us in my dressing room. We both were mid laugh as he held me in a piggyback and even though any normal person wouldn't have known what that day was, I remembered it like it was yesterday.

"How could I forget," I smirked up at him, throwing him a pretentious glance. It was the day that I had first kissed him. It was the day I had my first kiss. He sassily cocked an eyebrow at me before he broke into a smile and leaned in, but I stopped him "You know it's been one year since that day. July Twenty- Sixth." I told him that date which matched with the exact day. I watched as he bit his lip in a smile before they plunged into mine.

"Happy anniversary, princess," his warm lips mumbled over mine before the door bell rang and I sprung up to get it, leaving Niall on the coach.

"You ready?" Liam stood on the opposite side of the door. The fronts of his hair were swept to the side and his eyes mocked me because my cotton short shorts and muscle shirt obviously gave away that I wasn't ready.

"Shoot. What time is it?" I asked, looking back at Niall who was still flipping through the scrapbook.

"Relax it's only one," Liam said, with an amused smirk. I just figured that since Niall left the hotel room a few hours ago and wasn't back, you would've been a little distracted."

"Just a little bit," I said between a small laugh as I dove at Liam's waist, giving him my little sister hug. "Thanks Lee."

"You need to come back too," Liam called to Niall who didn't even look up. "Come on mate, you need to get your hair done."

I snickered as Niall scoffed, "I think my hair looks amazing," he said, gripping his hands in his hair and messing it around before he took his hands out leaving his hair sticking out in every direction. He looked down at me expecting a reaction.

"It looks fabulous babe, now go," I said, trying to hide a laugh as I pushed him out of my hotel room and scampered to the bathroom to get ready.

We had just gotten to America for the second part of the tour. We had arrived in LA the previous day and were going to an award show before the show the next night. It boggled my mind that a year ago I was playing piano for them but now I was their opening act. I had just released my first album a few months previous and I was traveling the world with my best friends. I was sure that there was nothing on this planet that could ruin what I had.

After I pushed my mascara brush through my eyelashes, I looked down at my makeup bag for my lipstick when I remembered that I had made Niall take it yesterday because I didn't have my purse on me and my pants didn't have pockets. I walked out of my hotel room to go find Niall when the familiar voice of my boss caught my attention. I stopped to listen through the door that had been accidentally left open a couple centimeters.

"It's what's best for the both of you," his grim voice drifted out of the crack in the door.

"No it isn't," I heard Niall's voice retort, which caught me off guard.

"Look, sales have been down since you started dating Summer and we can tell that you're not as focused as you usually are. She's doing fairly well for how new she is in the industry and since this is her first year as a solo artist, she needs to focus on her career more than ever. We just think that taking a break would be best for the both of you," Simons voice responded as I took shallow breaths. Was I really hearing this right? Was Simon asking Niall what I thought he was asking?"

"But I love her," was his solemn reply filled with defeat and hollowness.

"That may be, but we think it's time to move on."

"You're really asking me to break up with her?" Niall asked shallowly as I pushed my body against the hotel wall. shivers ran through my body. The wall was as hard as my heart seemed to be beating.

"I'm not asking you. I'm telling you," was the gruff response.

"And what if I don't" was Niall's defiant rebuttal.

"If you don't than we're going to release Summer from her contract," Simon dryly said as my hand hit my mouth in shock.

T-they're going to f-fire me?

There was another long silence before Niall's damaged voice reemerged sounding as if he had just been stabbed, "Why now?"

"We honestly didn't think you two would last this long. One Direction is the label's biggest act and we can't let sales keep going down like this because of some girl."

"Did you ever think that maybe One Direction isn't going to be as huge as we have been for forever! Did it ever occur to you that maybe this has nothing to do with Summer and everything to do with the fact that our fans have grown up and-" Niall started to yell before he was cut off.

"Niall that's enough. I've had enough. I've told you what we expect from you."

I ran back to my hotel room with my hands still clasped to my mouth as I tried my best to hold back the sobs that were beating at my eyes. I had never heard Niall yell like that. I had never heard Simon so harsh as that. But mostly, I had never thought about losing Niall.


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