Chapter 2

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Sean didn't know what to do. On one hand, most girls would never run away from him that way, and every other boss feared him. His life had gotten threatened multiple times since he got into the position but never by someone like her. He liked it. Suddenly the door opened and Madison walked back out.

"Sorry, about that sudden outburst." She stated cooly, gracefully moving into the living room. "The bedroom on the left has been set up for you, seeing as I didn't know if you were getting a hotel or not."

Sean smiles. "Thank you, love." He smiles slightly and quickly looks out the window. "I did have a reserved room for myself at The St. Anthony, but I will just let my men take those over and I'd be glad to stay here with you."
Madison furrowed her eyebrows. "Well, here would be such a downgrade. That's not really a logical decision, Jack."

Sean physically winces. "Don't call me that," he growls, causing Madison's eyes to widen. "Just call me Sean, love." He says without a growl this time. "This decision may not be logical, but I've made it."

Madison, her eyes still wide, nods her head. "Yes, Mr. McLoughlin."

He smirks and takes out his phone texting his men to bring up his luggage. He puts his phone away and looks to the shorter woman. "Where's a good place to grab a drink around here?"

"Nowhere good, that isn't controlled by Fischbach." She says, rolling her eyes at the mention of her rival.

"Fischbach? I thought he was out in California."

"He is, but he controls areas all over the U.S. Mostly L.A. and Cincinnati but decided for some reason to move onto my territory and I can't get him to leave."

"I used to work with him, you know before his ego got the best of him."

"Was he better then?"


Madison jumps as her door swings open, reaching for her weapon. She quickly relaxes seeing as it's just Sean's men bringing up his things. Sean sees this and chuckles a small bit.

"Robin! Can you bring the bags into the bedroom on the left?" Sean says cheerfully.

"Of course, Sir," Robin replies with a Swedish accent, moving the bags to where was specified.

Madison turns to him with her eyebrows raised. "Really? You couldn't carry some bags 15 feet?" To her, everyone was equal. Even the people working for her. She built her empire up on respect and trust.

"Why would I?" Sean says, before looking to a now returning Robin. "You've got the hotel room. Don't mess it up too much." He says patting Robin on the back as he leads him out.

"Thank you, Sean!" He says and smiles, heading out the door.

Madison smiles at the sweet man. "He's a good one." She says before going into the kitchen. "I don't know about bars but I do have some Amaretto and Vodka?" She says pulling the alcohol out of the freezer.

"Hell yes."

The brunette girl smirks and pulls shot glasses out of the cabinet and some limes out of the fridge. "Shots?" She says as more a statement as she pours two shots.

"You know it. But first, let me go slip into something a bit more comfortable." She nods in response before taking a shot and sucking on a lime afterward. She takes a deep breathe, feeling an unknown tension on her chest be lifted and her body become more relaxed.

Sean returns dressed in a pink sweater with a shooting star on it and black sweatpants. He grabs the shot she poured and downed it. "So, I assume you know my story. What's yours?"

She shakes her head. "I'm not drunk enough to go into my backstory." She says, pouring another two shots, and downing them both.

After three more shots and half of a screwdriver, which admittedly probably had more vodka in it than need be, Madison was feeling tipsy. Sean, however, looked as though he hadn't had a drink all night.

"You know you're really really hot." Madison slurred at him from her couch, while he stood in the kitchen.

"Likewise, Darling." He says sipping on a mix of a soda and some other alcoholic drink he had Robin bring them.

Maddie giggles and stands, stumbling a small bit. She goes and sits on her counter, almost falling off. "You think I'm pretty?"

"I do." Sean chuckles, finding her drunkenness amusing.

"But I've killed people." She says, with a heavy pain in her chest.

"A lot of people have, darling. Including me."

"I've killed all three of my fiance's." She admits, with her head down.

"Why'd you do that?" Sean inquires, quite surprised by this fact.

"Used me. For money and drugs. Well, except for one. Found out one was a cop. He said he didn't know who I was but he was trying to weasel his way into my life, he recorded all of our conversations. I made him resign and say that he was moving. Then I shot him between the eyes." She says, her breath getting shaky.

"Those are all reasonable explanations, dear. No need to beat yourself up over them." He places his hand on her cheek, stepping in between her legs. He leans in close to her ear and whispers "Let me help you forget."

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