Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to Jayden <3

As soon as we arrived at the school I was amazed... It was absolutely beautiful. I looked around, and noticed Mitch smiling at me. He was grabbing my bags, though I already had chugged the Frappuccino and had my backpack on.

Sheepishly, I walked over. "Thank-you..." I said softly, looking down at the sheet I recieved in the mail last week.

Mitch smiled down over my shoulder and looked to me. "Your building is right by mine."

I looked up to him and nodded, grabbing my bags. "So yours first, then mine?" I questioned looking up into his light blue eyes... 

His eyes were like gems. Bright blue, shining gems. They looked oh so sexy... I could tell he was judging me or something...


Once his things were dropped off, Mitch said goodbye to Dillain, and grabbed two of my bags. The non-rolly ones.

"So are you a Junior?" Mitch asked, startling me from my thoughts on his appearance. I could feel the heat rising up into my cheeks as I realized I had been staring at him. He didn't notice that at least.

"No... I'm a Sophomore." I squeaked slightly as I said no. I had to take a pause. "So um... Do you play any sports?" I questioned, looking up to him. I wasn't sure... I had to know. He looked kinda... How do I say this in a nice way without making him sound fat or non-athletic... Bleh. He was non-athletic looking. What else could I say?

"I'm the captain of the Hockey team, but I'm a linebacker during the fall. In Spring and Summer I do what I want, since I don't care for baseball or anything like that. You?" Mitch spoke quickly... He gave off pride vibes about the hockey stuff. He was a sports guy. I didn't expect him to play hockey, let alone be captain... My brother? Yes. He's buff and a jackass. Of course he would be. Mitch? Hell no. He's awesome so far... He'd probably claim me as his sister at le-, "Did you hear me...?"

Oh shit! He asked me a question. I was spacing and didn't hear him. Shit! I put two and two together and after a few moments I spoke softly but quickly, "I'm a boxer... But I play field hockey usually... I can't skate period to save my life."

Mitch just kept smiling down at me. "I can teach you then... It's not too hard, if you have balance. But can you do me a favor? Be safe? Girls here are more mean than the ones in England," He spoke, smiling the entire time. His smile was so dreamy... I need to focus. Practice. Not boys. Uh... Mitch? He was sexy though, dammit. How could I ignore Lord Sexyness here?

"I'll try not to... I'm alright, but I'm more tough than I look." I smiled, and looked up to my supposed 'building' as he called it. Would my roommates be nice? Bitches? Funny? Cool? Who knew... I know tha-.

I tripped on a step.


Mitch was on his knees beside me, helping me up in seconds. "Are you alright?" He asked, as I nodded. I looked into his eyes. I could tell there was concern.

"I'm fine... Just a scratch..." I looked down to my black skinny jeans. They had a bit of dirt where me knees landed. I looked at my hands, they were just skinned a bit. Not bad. I'll live.

Mitch nodded, offering a hand to help me up. "You sure...? It looked like it hurt. " I nodded yet again, just wiping my hands on my pants.

"Yup... I'm fine." I blushed faintly. Of course. In front of a sexy sporty guy, I would fall and make an ass of myself... Lovely meeting him. I sighed internally, grabbing my bags again, as he held the door open for me. I thanked him, and directed him to an elevator.

I hit the up button, and looked at my schedule, and saw dorm part of the sheet.


I waited for the elevator to make the little 'ding' and we entered. I stood there awkwardly, hitting the button that said 4. I looked to him, and he smiled reassurringly. If my brother was going to be a jackass, and my roommates were dipshits, I had him. I could tell he was different...

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