Chapter 5

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  • Dedicated to Ninja and Aaron

Well, I was woken up by Meg. She was yelling at the microphone. I laughed slightly.

Lilly had left, I assumed with the boyfriend or whatever. I shrugged it off, deciding to get up and plan an attack to scare Meg since she was too focused playing her Playstation.

Slowly, I crawled off my bed. I slid my thin body across the floor. When I reached behind her, she was screaming and cussing like a sailor. I couldn't help but hold in my laughter.

I poked her sides, making her squeal, jumping nearly a mile high.

"What the hell did you do that for?" Meg asked, panting slightly.

I was laughing too hard. She glared, and then took off the headset. She attacked me, which made me scream but laugh.

She was laying on me, trying to pin me. Of course, she had the upperhand. More strength. More boob power as I called it. She held my hands pinned above my head and said, "Say uncle."  Then, I felt a boob poke.

I squealed and said, "Aunt!" I wasn't going to give up a fight that easilly. If I really wanted to, I could of flipped her and pinned her without a sweat. Especially since she didn't know I was a boxer. I kinda had to know how to defend myself in a fight.

Meg rolled her eyes, looking down to me. "Say it. Or I'll kiss you." She flushed deeply when she said that. I didn't quite catch it.

Did this woman say she'd...

Kiss me?

I looked at her confused as all hell. "Wait. What? Why would you kiss me?" I didn't move. I didn't squirm. I was tempted to flip her, but eh. I felt if this got awkward enough, she might just get off. So far, the awkward levels were pretty damn high.

 Meg sighed. "I didn't mean to say that... But, I'm kinda sorta bi. But I lean more towards women than men. I've been heartbroken and what not by so many guys, it's not even funny. I wanna have a woman. Besides. I'm more guy than I am woman. If you don't count the boobs." She spoke quietly, awkwardly crawling off of me.

I rolled my eyes, and tackle hugged her. "Hey. I don't care. Just please don't try to hit on me? It'd be awkward. And since I'm roommates, your sister can walk in and just see us, and she'd probably just freak out." She smirked gently at that.

"Yeah, you're right. But don't tell her. I haven't told her," Meg said quietly. She really was scared to tell her sister. Especially since her sister was a snotty brat who would probably blab about her.

I smiled soothingly and hugged her. "I won't. I promise. I can keep a secret... But I have a question. What grade are you two in?" I looked at her confused. I knew she was the younger one, but I knew it couldn't be by much....Right?

Meg laughed softly. "I'm a Sophmore. Lilly is a Junior. That's why she thinks she's gonna date the  co-captain of one of the teams. Dunno which since I don't care for sports too much besides wrestling." She smiled softly.

I laughed softly. "Well, hopefully you'll like me... I'm a boxer." I got up, and went to my backpack. I pulled out the black and bright purple boxing gloves I got for Christmas, with matching protective gear.

She got up and looked at them. "Seriously...? My mom bought me the same thing, but for wrestling gear, and its a light blue." Meg showed me her gear. I laughed.

I knew now, she was officially going to be one of my best friends here. Bi, crushing on me or not, I don't care. She was cool.

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