Merida, Merida, Merida.

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Third day of autumn, Campsite, Dun'Broch.

Hiccup here, and you are officially allowed to call me a stalker.

These past days have been crazy.

Let me give you a tiny summary: TGWITL is not a man, but a fair lady. She is, in fact, young and surprisingly beautiful. I did everything I could to find out her name. I asked her first, of course, and she won't tell me. I have been thinking about her ever since she kidnapped me, and we've met a couple of times in the battlefield.

Merida. Her name is Merida, I just found out and I can't stop saying it. Her name is stuck in my mind and it'll be wandering there forever, like folk music that shakes your insides with its melody and powerful meaning. How I found out, that's a story on its own.

Astrind summoned me to her tent, also used for strategizing. The tent was full of weapons and maps of Dun'Broch, some of them I've drawn myself, and others were stolen from the castle. There was also a charcoal-drawn portrait of the six members of the royal family, where I recognized Merida's face. Eret and my mum were talking about the death of King Fergus, who was killed by an unknown dragon. As you may notice, Merida's father was also killed by this mysterious creature. I asked if anyone knew the names of the royal family and, surprisingly, they all did. Queen Elinor is Merida's mother (Making her the princess!) and there are three younger princes, Harris, Hamish and Hubert. The lords are Merida's best friends as well as her suitors, but she hasn't been betrothed yet and I doubt she plans on marrying any of the three. The moment I found out Merida's name, everyone kept asking why was I so happy of that, and to be honest, not even I know.

Later, in the battlefield, she and I had a small chance to talk, so we did, as we pretended to fight each other. She said she was going to sneak into my tent tonight, to have an important conversation. I have no idea what it might be, but I'm eager to finally talk to her.

It is not like I haven't investigated on my own about her: I always ask the scots how is their princess like; some never answer and prefer to attack me, but some others have revealed very valuable information (Odin bless this bloody war).

This is what I have found out: She once turned her mother into a bear with the help of the Witch of the woods (to whom, I assume, Merida is an apprentice). She competed in the games in her honor and earned her own hand in marriage. She has not many friends besides the young lords, her horse and her lady-in-waiting, Maudie. There is a waterfall in the woods called "The firefalls", and the legend says only the strongest and bravest kings dare to drink from it... well, them and Merida. She knits tapestries with her mother, and most of them picture wisps or other fae-tales. Her three younger brothers, the princes, always pull pranks on people, and she is the only known maiden in the land who has any control over them. The scots assume she stays in the castle when the battles are fought, and no-one besides me seems to know that she is TGWITL.

Hiccup tried to write some more, but his mind was full of the fiery princess' image. He felt far too embarrassed for writing pages and pages about how he had stalked her and all the amazing, marvelous, wonderful things she had done and she kept on doing. Earning her own hand in marriage? Savage, astonishing. Befriending a Witch? Work of art, surprising.

As he gently tapped his pencil against the leather of his closed diary, a dark figure raised from the outside of the tent and got in, to then reveal princess Merida, with her furious red hair braided tightly behind her. She was wearing a long, dark blue dress and a hauberk over that. Her quiver was hanging from a side of her waist and she carried her bow in her left hand. As she walked towards Hiccup, the chain mail made low tingling noises, but her feet were completely silent. If she hadn't been so warm, Hiccup would've thought she was more of a ghost than a person, for her skin was deadly pale and her presence made the air inside the tent feel heavy and full of wandering souls.

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