Troll? In the Dungeons?

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As we walked on, we saw the students running, to their dorms? Oh well, we were going the exact opposite way, noting that the sly and cunning Slytherin were now afraid and small. We stopped right outside the boys bathroom, adoring and also cowering above the beast upon us. A Mountain Troll, to be exact. Harry was there crying for some odd reason. I'll ask him later. But because Nico was before us, and I was last, Draco and I looked at him confused. Nico was talking to the beast, not addressing us at the back. That's not it. He laughed an angelic laugh. We needed to make him laugh more.
"Neeks what you talking about?"
I asked curious.
"He gave me a joke to do."
"What joke?"

""What joke?"

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"Oh." I finished giggling.
"What are you all doing?" Snapped Professor Snape.
"Your not gonna hurt him are you?" I hear Nico ask.
"The troll, you can just send him home. Anyway, the troll never came in on his own, someone helped him in. He told me." Nico finished that with a death glare sent to Quirrel. Hard, cold and Brocken, his face remaining neutral. Professor Quirrel cowered like a small insect in Nico's glare. It was all really normal after. Nico and us had a detention. Nico longer, for befriending a troll. After the incident, I went up to Harry.
"Harry, why were you crying?"
"What's it with you?"
He intended to make me flinch but that didn't work. His tone was cold and dead, sitting all alone, in a corner, he was still weeping.
"You can tell me. I won't make fun of you."
But he still kept his ground. When Nico came, he finally gave in.
"All the people in class made fun of me. I never knew anything so they called me names. Saying that I was a mudblood."
"But your not a mudblood. Your not a half blood either. Your a pure blood. Your parents were Lilly and James Potter. The greatest witch and wizard in history." Draco had said loud enough for the whole class to hear. They started murmuring that it was a lie. The real Harry Potter was kidnapped or something. Obviously the whole class was not that interested on me and Nico. Actually, according to them we didn't exist. According to them we were normal people and we never even existed.

It was all chaos when Draco said it loud enough for the whole class to hear. Murmurs and rumours were spread, calling Harry's mother mudblood. I just about had enough.
"You shouldn't say that about a deceased person. She didn't do anything to you." I said in a deadly calm but loud and clear enough voice so they can hear.
"What you gonna do about it midget?" They all snickered.
"Oh, I'm gonna do something you'll regret you ever lived. Don't ask because the answer will be blood. What has Harry said to you?"
"Nothing." A girl had admitted.
"I agree with the shadowed figure. He's making the shadows move. Look for your self."
She pointed to the shadows and they all shut up. I did exactly what my guts commanded me to do. I looked and to my surprise, she was right. Luna Lovegood that was her name. I started to get scared so they moved together covering all of me. Protecting me in a way.

Now Nico was hidden in the shadows. There was a lightning storm all of a sudden. No one or shadows touches my friends. But then all the shadow separated and all the shadow went. There, you could see Nico. But obviously all the children never saw what it really did. The lightning storm had settled. But one angry boy still remained. Zain.
"No one called any of my friends names." He said, making people flinch. But not as much as Nico's tone did. An innocent, beautiful flower stood in a pot proudly. Only to rot and disintegrate. In its place stood air. Only air. As a once angry Zain calmed down. He somehow killed the flower. It sounds impossible. But now the impossible became possible.

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