Son of Poseidon.

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I was at a school trip, with Nancy Blofblofis murmuring and spreading rumours about me. I had an uneasy feeling, as I continued to listen to Grover talking about food. That's the only thing I could actually stay in focus for.
"Percy, who is this picture of?"
It was a picture of a man holding a shield and fighting a minatour.
"Hercules, son of Zeus." I said confidently. I knew my answer. Some wouldn't believe me, but I know the Greek language. Now after the last question of the morning, it was lunch. Finally, something I'm actually good at.
"Perseus Jackson. Come on follow me." Mrs Dodd had said. The teacher I hated a lot. I followed her alone, as my footsteps echoed through out the hallway. It was really awkward, walling with her. She gave off this weird and disgusting vibe. But I felt another presence with me. I didn't know who. I glanced around the room to see no one. As I kept going, Mrs Dodd grew taller by several inches. She stunk really bad, I felt like I was going I pass out. Her olive green skin then turned into a hideous dark grey. Her once white teeth became a filthy black, as fangs spouted out. Her ocean blue eyes were met by a black one.
"Do you know who I am, demigod?"
"Mrs Dodd." I said merely a hoarse whisper.
"No you fool, I am a monster from the army of The Titan Of Time. Kronos."
"Okay, and?"
"Use this Percy." I heard Mr Brown say. He threw a pen at me.
"How's this meant to help?"
"Click it and oy will turn into a sword."
I did exactly that and defeated the monster, once my so called teacher.
"Grover, take him and explain on the way to camp. Its to dangerous here." Mr Brown said.

That's how I found my self at this camp. The pen was still in my pocket. It was time to play Capture The Flag. I ran all the way to the place where we get our armour. I was on the blue team. A guy named Luke led the team. A son of Hermes. God of messages and thieves. O kept riptide with me, it was the only sword I could actually hold. The game had begun.

I was fighting Annabeth, he most experienced fighter in all of camp. Obviously after Luke. Be taught me his moves, most that nobody could do. I had been cut really badly, and I started to feel weak, like I was going to break.
Go towards the water.
I went slowly, eventually reaching there after what felt like 15 minutes. I touched the water. Ad to my surprise I felt a surge of power go through me, as well as healing all my cuts and bruises. I finally beat Annabeth. But the same feeling I had in the trip remained. Someone right next to me. A boy.

The game that was played in camp was really fun. I was in the dream, when Luke looked right at me, smiling at me. The day was finally over when I did my routine, getting us all to camp. No monsters are allowed in the camp, so it was protected. I noted to ask Luke about these things.
"Nico! Zain! Draco!"
Luke exclaimed with a smile on his face. We rushed and gave him a hug, getting all warm. It was really quiet, as all the camp was at the fire.
"Luke how u doin?"
"Gud u?"
"Same. I have a question to ask you."
"Go on."
"How is the camp protected by monsters?"

When Nico was asked that question a memory flooded me. I hadn't realised I said it out loud.
Me Thalia and Annabeth were running from a cyclops. His one big eye squirming and struggling to find us. We fought it for a bit but it didn't work. Thalia had said to us go get cover, so we did. But soon she grew tired and slow. That was when the cyclops had killed her. Zeus was proud of his daughter so to keep her still alive, he turned her into a tree. She had lots of courage, so he protects her friend from cyclops, she protects us.
I hadn't realised i was crying until the trio snuggled in to hug me. Draco was crying as well. Not Nico. Not Zain. But they had a sorrow look in their eyes.
"Oh, she deserves better."
Was simply the reply from Nico.
Nico was telling me about his dream about Percy. But then he stopped dead in his tracks and hod himself and his mates in the shadow. Then I knew someone was watching.
"What do you want?" I said in a growl.
"Who in Tartarus were you speaking to?"
"My dad. He iris messaged me." I lied smoothly.
"Okay. Percy's calling you."
"Call him here then."
When he disappeared out they came from the shadows.
"By Luke. Same time tomorrow?"
"Yeah sure. I have no one to talk to."
So away they drifted into the black night sky. I'm glad they came around. Kronos can't get in my head as much. I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

We came back just in time. Our common room was as cold as it had been. With everyone asleep, we could finally go explore the library for a book. On the philosopher stone.

Camp Hogwarts- Nico Di Angelo Where stories live. Discover now