Pureful ,but not innocent (Tsuyu AsuiXUrakaka Ochako)

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Love Senpai note: I love the thought of Tsuyu and Urakaka it's just the way I am. Sorry if you don't like. Read another. I am only Tsuyu x Urakaka. {^~^}{√•-•}<< I love my faces aren't they kawii. {>\\<} okay sorry! ENJOY! ,👍👌👇


Asui looked back at Urakaka reaching out to her floating and a villain (teacher) heading there way. They had to do a team work course between partners if endangered. Of course during a saving citizen course. Asui crouched down on her hands and feet whipping her extraordinary tongue. It grabs ahold of Urakaka's arm jumps up and guides herself in the air kicking the Villain (Eraserhead) and they both felt gravity pulls them down.

  Oh no, Mr. Aizawa took away Urakaka's gravity quirk! There were really high up when they tried their best to run away. But if they fall Urakaka will get injured cause Asui has away of saving her self. She has to... It's part of their grades to work together. Together...

  "Urakaka!" Asui yanked her up and pulled the trap rope they set up.

"Asui what are you doing!"

"Grab on to my back! Hold on tight! It might get a little bumpy."

  Asui flushed when Urakaka grabbed ahold of one of her breast and outstretched her tongue and grabbed a pole before Mr. Aizawa could get them. Swing them and her tongue slipped loose. Uh oh that's not good. She wanted to save and they were down fast. She caught them on both hands and legs and felt a pain of her ankle.

"Ahh!" She screams and fast the test ended that they had won.

"Oh my -Asui are you okay!"


"Your fine, you just fractured your ankle." Recovery girl smiled patting her head.

  She smiled and a little embarrassed. Then the class came in. They talked and she was happy but Urakaka wasn't there.

"We expected Midoriya to be injured... Well he still is." Kirishima said and Midoriya stiffened.


She was happy they came to visit her but is worried why Urakaka didn't come.

"Are you really okay? ! Do you need any assistances! Be sure to ask me! Or the rest!" As always loud Iida's passion.

"Hey pinhead don't force shit on others." Bakugou said and kirishima elbowed him. And he looked at Asui. She smiled and he turned away. "Get well your dragging down the class."

They are rotating partners... "I won't! I'll work hard as any other-"

"Then get ready, cause I don't like lacking."he walked out.

"Always so violent." Iida sighed.

  She always saw a soft side to Bakugou. After she went to her dorm and looked outside window

(My imagination; her room is decorated in the dark green and purple pink patterns. A bed near the window with plushies. A small desk where she has figure heads and a desktop computer. She has a small reading area of mangas and a bean bag. Cute right {>\\•}👍}
  She was wondering if Urakaka was okay-
Then a soft tattered knock interrupt her thoughts. She stepped off the bed still aching in her ankle and decided to open the door with her tongue.

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