Chapter 19

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I was a nervous wreck hearing those machines going off. Melissa slipped through my fingers like water. I can't let Jalisha do the same. I can't loose both my wives like this. Jackson came out and we all jumped up.

"How is she man?"

"Well we got her back and stabilized her. I doubled her dosage of medication to keep her under. She was coming out the coma and was most likely thinking about what's going on. We can not under no circumstances upset her. We have to keep her as calm as we can."

"Can I see her?"

"Yes once at a time."

"Ok thank you so much Jackson."

"My pleasure. I told you I will be with you through this process."

I walked in and tears fell down my face. I sat down.

"Jalisha please don't do this to me baby. I'm sorry for all I said to you. If you forgive me and take me back I'll never leave you. Just don't go. My heart can't take another death."

I cried as I laid my head on her side.

"Baby come back to me please."

I laid there for another 20 minutes and kissed her and walked out. I let the kids go in and see her before I left.

"Dad?" Amira asked.

"Yes baby."

"Is Mama gonna be ok?"

"We hoping so Amira."

"I can't loose her too."

"I know baby we can only pray for her."

"Me and Kwan did that already."

"Good and I did too."

We loaded the car and headed home. Everyone was so down about all that was going on. I had to cheer them up. So I put on our favorite song and they started singing and dancing. The smiles on their face made me smile. We stopped and got pizza and went home. We ate and watched a movie on Netflix. They was happy at that moment which gave me a ease. I watch a few more movies and the kids fell asleep. I woke them and put them in bed. Mama Patrice had already went to bed. I went to my bedroom and laid across the bed. I thought about the first time me and Jalisha had sex. It was so amazing. She has always been a special woman to me. I can't allow this to hurt my family. I can't lie it hurt me about Melissa but I love Jalisha.

After dad woke me up and I got in bed my mind went back to mama. She was laying in the hospital helpless. So I got on the side of my bed and prayed. Dear God,
Please allow my mama to live. She has done some things in her life but I don't want her to die. Please let us get a good report tomorrow. We need her here with us. We loss Mama Melissa. Please don't let us loose her too. I thank you for my dad and Kwan and even my grandma. I love you and amen.

I heard Amira praying next door. I closed my eyes and prayed with her. This is so bad right now. Please let her live. I'm so glad tomorrow we don't have school. I wouldn't be able to function with all of this. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. I'm looking for a better day tomorrow I just know it will be.

I said my prayers and went and took a shower. I went and cuddled up in bed after that. I felt tears building up. I'm so tired of crying. I just want my wife back. Lord let her make it out of this and I promise I will take care of her. Let the news we get tomorrow be great news. Please. I turned off my lights and went to bed. Life has got to get better than this.

My poor daughter. She has been in that hospital fighting for her life. Lord please don't take her from me. I need her in my life. The kids need her. And most of all Alonzo needs her. She made a mistake but that's what that was. A big mistake. I can't go on knowing my daughter may it may not make it. Please let tomorrow report be worth it. Amen.

The morning came around quick. I got up and got dressed and got myself ready to go see Jalisha. I cooked the kids breakfast and woke them. Soon as they finish eating we heading out. Mama Patrice drove her car and went ahead of us. So it will be just me and the kids going. They was ready to see her as much as I was. After we ate we loaded up and got to the hospital. After the ride we went on her floor and waited in the waiting room. We was only allowed one visitor at a time. Mama Patrice was already in.

We came out with a smile on her face.

"What's wrong mama?"

"Nothing my baby is awake."

"She is?"

"Yes she is mama."Patrice said.

I jumped up and went in. She was sitting up and smiling.

"Baby." I said running to her bed side

. I kissed her passionately she pushed me back.

"Baby calm down."

"No I can't. I prayed for this. Baby I'm so sorry. I'm not leaving you. I love you and we need you."

"I love you too baby."

"So does this mean we are not divorcing?"

"No we are not getting a divorce. Get better so we can go home."

I leaned in and kissed her. She cried.

"Don't cry baby. I don't want to upset you."

"I'm just happy I got my family back."

The kids came in and hugged her.

"We love you mom." the kids said.

"I love y'all too."

"And Kwan." Jalisha said.

"I'm sorry for all I've done to you. Please forgive me."

"I already have mom."

"Wait did you just call her mom?"

"Yes I did. I promised God if he let her live I'll call her mom."

This was so sweet!!!!

They all made up.

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