Chapter 1: How it began

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Hello, this is a story about me. Jessica Skunk, I am this fat skunk girl that everybody get addicted. Due to how they enjoy my farts, which is really weird to me to be honest. However, this is story on how I let out a massive fart. Trust me, you may get disturbed or turned on this story.

Okay, where do I begin? Okay, it all started off when I was a county fair. Playing games, seeing animals, greeting some people. My normal usual life self. I was enjoying myself some tacos, as my stomach started to expand from the tacos I was having. Though, I noticed and thought to myself "Did I put on a few more pounds?". Like that was a question I wanted to ask myself with.

How did I suddenly got this big bulgy belly of sudden? I thought it was some sort of witchcraft or something. I don't know, it was just weird! Okay, so where was I? Oh yeah...

After I have myself some of those tacos, I was started to get hungry. Like, really badly hungry I would say. And I don't mean a normal sort of hungry thing sort of way. I was like starving like an wild animal! That the sort of hungry I am talking about!

"Oh, food. Where can I find some food here?" I ask myself, looking around where is the best place I can eat food here in the county fair? Of course that is when I got my attention on some weird looking tent place. I didn't know what it was, but I ran like the wind to go eat at it!

As I ran up to that weird looking tent, I look around the place. And man, it had so much food! I would spend a lot of days to eat as much food it had there!

This man, or whoever he was cause he had this hood on his head as I couldn't see his face. Looks right directly at my eyes, as it was giving me the creeps. "So, you came here to eat huh? Well you came to the right place to eat as much food as you want!" The hooded man told me, as I would begin devouring a lot of the food in there. I didn't know on what to say, I was so hungry. I couldn't stop! And I mean it, I couldn't stop eating as my stomach was getting fuller and fuller as I eat!

It was like there was no go tomorrow morning! While the hooded man just stares at me, watching as I ate.

Of course, this is when it would then begin...

My biggest fart ever (WG/Farting)Where stories live. Discover now