To Turn Back Time

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This isn't like the time with Sasa-dono.

This time, Ashiya Sakae could not save him, this yokai is too strong, too much to handle. Even Sakae feels overwhelmend because this is more than a single troublesome youkai. This youkai is at the level of an emperor, a strong, political figure with the evil mind of overthrowing the Princess reign.

The power-hungry yokai, Emperor Sutoku. His hands and face are drenched in blood, he has a handsome face that will easily pass him by as a successful model, but a very cold stare, much more sinister then Abeno could ever made. His power is at the range of Executive, no, he was probably much more stronger than that. I have long conversed with Ashiya Sakae throughout this fight between yokai and humans against Sutoku.

This 7-day fight is wearing us all off. And soon, Hanae's body is going to crumble before enemies get their hands on him.

How can we stop this fight?

"Die!", a long exclamation from a Kamikiri heading towards Hanae with sharp scissors that used to only cut hair. This war has really brought the most peaceful yokais to shed blood for the first time.

A boy with golden eyes and hair like Sakae jumped and pushed the scissors out of the way right before it stabbed into Hanae's back. Abeno struggled with the scissors that are about to stab into his throat. Suddenly, the yokai decided to open it and shove it in the right position to cut his throat instead.

"Disappear...", a chilling whisper from Hanae sends a jolt to the yokai's body as it dissipates into smoke, leave fogs of memories. In this battlefield, the Mononokean's Master and its employees are allowed to do what is necessary to protect themselves, unlimited to eliminating any hostile yokai. It is the 13th yokai Hanae eliminated ever since this bloody battle started.

"Abeno-san, can you stand up?", Hanae extended his arm to help Abeno stand up.

"Yeah. Thank you.", Abeno took his hand and pulled himself up. Bracing for more incoming.

"This fight is going nowhere. This world... Aoi-sama has worked hard to ensure yokais find peace by coming here, but this... I will never forgive Sutoku.", Abeno clenched his fist hard as his Influence begins to light up wild. Then, he remembers.

"Ah, Ashiya, are you okay? I'm sorry I had to make you do that again."

"Uh?", Hanae was surprised at the mention of his name and was snapped back into reality.

"Ah, it's fine, Abeno-san. I have promised that as an employee of the Mononokean, I will protect your lifeline with mine. It should be me who should be thankful."

"The next wave is going to be hard, I heard a grou-", Abeno's words were abruptly stopped as a spear protrudes out of his chest. Blood splattered across Hanae's face and battle clothes. A few more centimeters, the spear would have burst his heart, killing him that instant. But without that, the stab was enough to send Abeno stumbling forward, losing power to even stand up at all. He was already leaning towards Hanae's body, and although it was Abeno who was stabbed, Hanae felt a chill across his body, fear he cannot explain and is very well familiar with. Until today, he still dreams of that nightmare, the day he was possessed and almost strangled Abeno-san to death.

"A-Abeno-san!", Hanae finally found his voice to scream his name. More blood poured out of Abeno's mouth. This is a pain at the intensity he has never felt before. Abeno could feel he is going to die with this.

Yahiko jumped and flew to where Hanae and Abeno are. From a distance, he saw Abeno with a spear sticking out of his back. Yahiko burst forward, filled with concern and fear.

"Haruitsuki! We have to bring him back! Ashiya, put him on my back!"

"Y-Yes.", Hanae staggered, stumbling with words. Confused. Does not know what to do. He holds up Abeno-san, mustering power he didn't know he had. Yahiko immediately ran as fast as he could, jumping as if he could fly right after both Ashiya and Haruitsuki were placed and stable on him.

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