Too cautious?

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"After waking up, walk to class 1-2 and find a man with golden hair, eyes and an annoyingly boring expression... Scratch that last one. Find him and he will exorcise you.", Ashiya chanted the words to Fuzzy's ears as he had gently placed his right hand on Fuzzy. He never thought of the use of his power to give lengthy orders, but it's worth the try. Sakae did a sealing technique on Sasa-dono and if that works...

If he wants to change anything at all, this is the way to do it. He cannot be seen by Fuzzy, but he still cannot ignore them like his Father did. He just knew he had to get Fuzzy back to the Underworld before the cursed roots bind him here.

It worked!

Ashiya's heart leaped a bit when he saw Fuzzy ran at full speed towards Abeno-san. He can't stop smiling as he saw Abeno-san's panicking face because he's acting suspicious. And now he is striding outside, probably going to summon the Mononokean to the rooftop to exorcise Fuzzy. He misses Fuzzy so much and wants to pet and comb Fuzzy's soft fur and imagine how calming it is. Ah, every time Ashiya's stressed out, he finds petting Fuzzy calms down his nerves so much.

"One problem down.", Ashiya mumbled to himself.

"Yes? Did you say something, Ashiya?", Saga asked, startling Ashiya that has always been easy to surprise.

"Eh, nothing. Did I say something? Hahahahaha.", Ashiya tried to cover it up by laughing it off super awkwardly, successfully stealing the attention of almost the whole class from doing it.


"Now, the next job is not going to be easy.", Ashiya mumbled to himself as he stood in front of a doorway. His sense is tingling all over as he felt about 20 yokais presence inside the storage room. Ashiya has been planning to come to this place since this evening, but decided that nighttime is the best. Now, it's 8.30 pm and the school is pretty much deserted.

"Abeno-san was being an ass when I asked him to exorcise them. He surely acted like he didn't care, what a tsundere.", Ashiya mumbled with annoyance even more as he remembers back in the days when he was only beginning to learn about yokai. He slid open the door and find an enormous, bush-like yokai hanging from the ceiling. It was surely surprised to see a human who opened the door with such confidence and looked at him straight in the eye right after. It has been years after all for the old yokai to have seen a human who is gifted with the vision that is unlike others.

"Who are you, child?", the giant yokai asked as he makes screeching sound from time to time. Ashiya could hear small screeching sounds around him and even though the room is dark, he knew there a lot of baby yokais around him. All too scared to approach him and Ashiya was exerting a very light, but threatening aura. It wasn't that he wanted to scare him.

He just didn't want to get dragged around because these babies are not exactly the most reasonable ones to talk to, so he figured threatening them a little would fasten the process.

"Big Boss Scree, it's been a while.", Ashiya replied with a nostalgic look. Now, he feels like he's aged a lot, but he really couldn't help reminiscing the days when he first learned of how deadly the roots that tied Big Boss Scree in this world. Just because he wanted to change the future, Ashiya found himself just unable to ignore him and the children that rely so much on him.

"Do you know me, human child? I am certainly sure that I have never met a human like you who can see yokai, especially not one that call me with such a weird name. In fact, it's been such a long time... But enough about that, child. Do you perhaps know the existence of Mononokean? Do you know where to find its Demon Master?", Big Boss Scree asked with an urgency in his tone.

"Yes, I do know of its existence.", Ashiya answered with certainty in his tone. "I was once an employee there, but I guess nobody would remember me.", Ashiya continued to mumble as his voice drifted as he felt a little disappointed to the fact.

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