Rabbits and the Moon I

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It took much longer than expected, but after a solid hour, both Key and Axis were able to clean the mess that was left behind by Vitae. Luckily when you're a witch, you can make some things a bit easier then to do everything by hand.
Key was of course glad that the place is finally clean before the guest could arrive, but at the same time she felt a bit annoyed that the said guest decided to take this long in arriving, it as if they were taking a snails pace and taking more than enough detours.

"Axis, what kind of person is our guest anyways? Arriving this late..."

"Well, she's a reaper for one, a special S class one at that, and she usually specializes in reaping and judging the souls of lunar creatures on the moon."

"S class? W-What?"

"Oh right, so let me explain,

The reapers in our universe have different ranks that determine their strengths and weight of power. C class being the lowest and S class being the highest. Sometimes you can tell by how many familiars they have, but for one, S class reapers are able to have angels as familiars."

"Why do they need familiars anyways? They reap souls not fight them."

"Well, there are spirits and souls that get hostile and refuse to get judged so familiars are used as an offense for reapers as they themselves don't really know how to fight."

As they continued talking, the door opened in a rather violent manner, and there appeared a female...? With long white hair, and with a fluffy, Chinese-esque dress. Her shoulders held a large hammer with what looks like a mouth in the base. The female clearly looked like a female but when she started talking, in a clear and loud tone of voice, it was very clear that the reaper was a male instead.

"Hi-ho! I have finally arrived!" he had announced with a stupid wide grin across his face.

"Lunalie, good evening."

"A guy..?"

"Yup, Im indeed a guy. You must be the little bun bun Axis decided to take care of. My, you have the same hair color as my familiar Nora, perhaps you two are long lost twins? Oh though you're not an angel so I suppose the twin part wouldn't work. By the way, I only look feminine cause I like pretty things and it looks the best when its on me!"

Key already had a discomforted feel to the new guest, to have such a loud and talkative individual. Aren't reapers usually the more quiet sort of lot? At least thats what they're depicted as in stories. Already have grown bored of his endless chatter, Key went over to the kitchen to make some tea, leaving the matter to Axis since she's the owner of the shop.

"Anyways Luna," Axis interuppted her in the middle of her talk, hoping to get right into buisness, "I indeed got your call the other day that you needed an escort for a reaping task you have here on earth, but what kind of help do you need? Since you have both your familiars, Nora and Asimi, I doubt you need us for protection."

"Aah right right, let me explain then,"

Lunalie took a seat on one of the chairs making herself comfortable before she continued talking, placing her overly large hammer next to her, leaning against the arm of the chair.

"So I was assigned to clear out a abandoned hospital here since after that incident with that one moss haired reaper that tried to become a god, a lot of members got heavily injured. So its up to the S rank reapers who usually don't live in the Hollow Chapel to fill up the jobs for the time being. Though as much as I like to get everything over with and done so I can get home and get some beauty rest, the hospital has been boarded up with a barrier, and a rather strong one at that."

"A barrier?"

"Yes, and I usually don't specialize in magic that requires you to study latin in anyway, so I need someone to help me get rid of those, and possibly ones inside while I take care of the souls that reside in there."

"You're an S class Luna, you should at least take the time to study this stuff, otherwise it'll end up biting you back later."

"Boo~ I hate studying. It shouldnt matter to you anyways since you're getting a handsome reward for all of this."

"What the heck do you mean by handsome?" Key finally returned, with a tray at hand and a tea set on top, settting it down onto the table and pouring the hot liquid into small teacups.

"I mean you're gonna get paid very rewardingly, colossal, good, handsomely~" he started singing, "You should definately come along, Im sure my familiars would love to meet you, and if possible get you to be a part of my family as well~"

"Im not leaving Axis."

"Strictly loyal to your teacher eh? Well that in itself is really cute. It makes me want to try harder to have you join my side, hahaha!"

Afterwards, Lunalie took the cup of tea and drank it all in one go, not seemingly affected by how hot the tea was and got up from his seat.

"Alrighty then! Ill write down the address for you real quick and I'll expect you to be there the moment the sun goes down!" speaking in a quickened tone as he grabbed a pen nearby and wrote it down right onto the wooden table.

"Hey-! Wait a second! Don't write on the table itself!"

Key would reach over to swipe the pen out of Lunalie's hands, but the time she even moved closer to him, he was already done writing. Tossing the pen her way and triumphantly making his exit out the door without so much as a good bye. Which left Key in a rather confused, yet frustrated state of mind.

"Axis, I don't want to help him out, for many reasons more than one."

"Now now, we have to do our job regardless, you don't have to come if you don't want to however."

"No. Im going."

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