Prologue: *Insert Title Here*

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Beginning A/N: This is a work in Progress. It is still being edited, the format is terrible, don't read ahead unless you want terribly written spoilers, plot holes, and overly rapid plot and character development. This is only one of my many works in progress, so it will take a while to edit, although I can hope to finish editing the prologue at least by mid-December. I do not want to unpublished this story as some people have it in their reading lists and libraries and I do not want to delete all the words and leave a message redirecting you to the rewritten version, as I'm simply much too lazy for that (unsurprisingly), so I would advise avoiding reading this until I specify a chapter is edited.

Third Person's POV

It all started with him. Things used to be different, and he was once in love, but that had been a long time ago. Even now, the memories still pain him. Everything seemed to be smiles and laughter, hand-holding at night under the stars and kissing in the rain.

The good things never last too long. They were laying in bed together, trying to stay warm in the freezing weather of December.

Important A/N : This has been edited, not a lot, but to the point where I think it's much better written. I'm still working on making it longer and better detailed, though. There are mentions and chapters where Dan and Phil are in a relationship and/or romantically interested in other characters, but Phan is the main ship in this story and it will come eventually. I will have Phan and some mentions and hints of KickTheStickz in here, but if you want me to add another ship, let me know so I can't drop many unsubtle hints at it throughout the story. Also, while I am not 100% sure this story will contain any angst, graphic content, or trigger warnings, I will include a warning at the beginning of a chapter if there are any, along with a brief description of the events that happen in that chapter. Finally, I cannot express how thankful I am to A_Deadly_Fart for helping me to decide on a ship to center this story around, so this chapter/story is dedicated to them. Go check out their stories, because they're really great. Stay tuned for the next chapter... if you want. I think that's it for this chapter, so until the next one, bye!

What Is The Big Deal About Love, Really? (Phan AU)Where stories live. Discover now