Tempest-Transformers OC

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Work in progress in a couple of areas.
Name: Tempest
Age: Ancient
Creation Date: N/A
Gender: Femme
Faction: Insecticons
Function: Demolition Expert/Scientist
Alt. Mode: Darwin's Bark Spider/Goliath Birdeater/Giant Huntsman Spider Hybrid
Holoform: [*what your OC's holoform looks like. describe it or link a picture]
Protoform: [*what your OC's protoform looks like. describe it or link a picture]
Height: G1 Size: 24', Bayverse: 43', Transformers Prime: 19'
Wingspan: 27'
Maximum Speed: Mach 3
Cruising Speed: Mach 1.5
- Six extra appendages (the servos can turn into basically sharp cylindrical cones)
- Mandibles/teeth
- Silk bombs (can be full of acidic venom or paralyzing venom)
- Revolver-like blasters stowed away in her alt mode's abdomen
- Able to make a high pitch to make Swarm go feral aka lose her crud
- [a weapon your OC has (add more as you need to)]
Combat Style:
Tempest is very much a hand-to-hand combat femme, preferring it over long-range. Short-range is another favorite of hers. Very possible that she will use her longer appendages to cause some sort of ruptures in systems, then use the pitch to bring Swarm in. However, if Swarm is occupied, this femme will very much hold her own ground with her weapons and abilities. Her 'silk weaver' skill is something to be rivaled, and something to be very aware of. If you are not aware of it, I suggest you do not get near this femme in battle.
- acidic/paralyzing venom
- silk weaver
- able to make trap webs
- mass displacement
- able to spin strong and/or sticky silk
- [a skill/ability your OC has (add more as you need to)]
- Her abdomen is made of a weaken metal
- Able to be damage if falls from a great height
- Appendages are extremely thin but durable
- Terrified of being caught between hands
- Fear of being separated from Swarm
- Getting her spinner tanks removed
- Can't feed off normal energon easily
- [a fear or weakness your OC has (add more as you need to)]
Tempest can be either light hearted or serious, depending on the matter and what occurs. Though she can tend to be a prankster, it's an outward expression of joy for her and nothing truly more. For her happiness, she'd prefer to be secluded from mostly everyone else besides those who are her family and brief friends. The only thing she is truly afraid of is Centipedes, or drilling worms. Neither of which has she seen in many eons, but nonetheless, she knows they are there.
- Requiem (An Orchid Mantis Insecticon)
- Firefly (A Firefly/Giant Asian Hornet Insecticon Hybrid)
- Ghost (A Ghost Mantis Insecticon)
- Pest (A Satin Moth Insecticon)
- Swarm Master (A Cybertronian/Atlas Beetle Insecticon Hybrid)
- Blind Heat (A Mono-Combiner)
- Shadowblitz (A two-wheeler Cybertronian)
- Sunbreaker (A phoenix Beastformer)
- Moonguard (A Seeker/Drake Triplechanger)
- Cinnibar (A Moth Insecticon, sparkling of Sunbreaker and Kickback)
- [a friend of your OC (add more as you need to)]
- Photonlock (A Shuttle Cybertronian)
- Rhinomaster (A rhino Beastformer)
- Flinch (A Scorpion Beastformer)
- Bleakhaul (A Centipede Insecticon)
- [an enemy of your OC (add more as you need to)]
- Synthetic-based energon
- feeding off of sleeping cybertronians
- spinning thread
- offering small pranks/webs too big for those who can need/use them
- curling up in her webs
- trapping a smaller insecticon of prey
- [something your OC likes (add more as you need to)]
- complete and utter silence
- actual energon (tears up her tanks)
- dealing with other bots who snore
- getting her spinner tanks locked
- being trapped in a cage
- unable to talk to other insecticons
- "big bad autobots"
- "controlling cons"
- [something your OC doesn't like (add more as you need to)]
Voice actor: Nika Futterman
Sounds Like: Imagine Zagara from Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm
Accent: Her 's's make her hiss a bit
- "I don't need the power of flight if I can simply sling silk onto the bottom of their alternative mode."
- "I apologize for reminding you of someone, it is simply just in my genetic makeup."
- "What did you just call me?! I am not just some... some... STUPID SPIDER!"
- "They just call me a stupid bug... They have yet to feel my bite."
- "Yes, my queen, I understand now why you let me live and learn. I had yet to learn cunning."
- "I am very much more a strategist than those younglings that had usurped me."
- "It wasn't even a true usurpation, they simply asked for a chance to prove themselves."
- "Learning to love and learning to lose is the same concept, but learning to love takes more time than learning to lose."
Other Fun Facts:
- Actually was once leader of the symbiotes inside of Swarm Master
- Was usurped by the four that had been usurped/left
- Probably the most ancient of the buggers in there
- very much nicknamed queen of the spiders
- around the size of the twins with Soundwave, maybe a bit bigger (mass displacement)

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