Swarm Master-Transformers OC

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Lead Combiner of Lunarstreaker

Name: Swarm Master

Gender: Femme

Faction: Hydracons

Function: Front-Line Combiner Leader

Alt. Mode: Atlas Beetle

Holoform: [*what your OC's holoform looks like. describe it or link a picture]

Protoform: [*what your OC's protoform looks like. describe it or link a picture]

Height: G1 Size: 34', Bayverse: 43', Transformers Prime: 29'

Wingspan: n/a

Maximum Speed: Mach 3

Cruising Speed: Mach 1.5


- Mandibles/teeth

- Feral mode: instincts-only basis, will devour anything in her path of destruction

- A singular machine-like pistol hidden in her thigh plating

- Two blades that adorn her sides, have teeth-like hooks

- Acidic oral fluid

- [a weapon your OC has (add more as you need to)]

Combat Style:

Swarm is very much a 'take a name, kick some aft' type of femme. You piss her off, you are on a list of high-hitting targets. She fights with an odd-nature, seemingly resembling a gladiator as well as a basic Insecticon attack. She tends to more often use her blades than anything, preferring short-range and hand-to-hand combat over long-range. Does occasional bite and tear through her opponents due to the acidic saliva.


- acidic fluid

- easy camouflage

- large and bulky in size

- large amount of strength 

- [a skill/ability your OC has (add more as you need to)]


- Has a basic switch/signal that shuts off all emotion

- Able to be damaged if falls from a great height

- weak lower legs due to constant remolding and welding of wounds/injuries

- [a fear or weakness your OC has (add more as you need to)]


Swarm is... Swarm. That's honestly just it. Describing her personality is quite the issue for some people, because she has a basic flaw in her personality module... it has both her original personality and the one she was given during her reforging. One personality is cold.. based on logic and science alone. Another is more emotional, quite easy to break and find her flaw. The third is a mixture of both, an indicator that it is her default personality. The way to tell each of these apart is the fact that her optics change color. Cold personality is an amber color, emotional is violet, and when one of both is active it is the default personality.


- Blind Heat (A Mono-Combiner)

- Shadowblitz (A two-wheeler Cybertronian)

- Sunbreaker (A phoenix Beastformer)

- Moonguard (A Seeker/Drake Triplechanger)


- Requiem (An Orchid Mantis Insecticon)

- Firefly (A Firefly/Giant Asian Hornet Insecticon Hybrid)

- Ghost (A Ghost Mantis Insecticon)

- Pest (A Satin Moth Insecticon)

- [a friend of your OC (add more as you need to)]


- Cinderstorm (An ATV former Decepticon)

- Rhinomaster (A rhino Beastformer)

- Flinch (A Scorpion Beastformer)

- Bleakhaul (A Centipede Insecticon)

- [an enemy of your OC (add more as you need to)]


- feeding off of the hatred between the five different femmes

- gladitorial fights, especially if she's one of the ones fighting

- torturing what victims there are in the hydracon base

- card games, surprisingly

- [something your OC likes (add more as you need to)]


- complete and utter silence

- losing herself to a basic control switch

- losing what memories and humanity she has left

- breaking apart the hydracons

- [something your OC doesn't like (add more as you need to)]

Voice actor: Laura Bailey

Sounds Like: Jaina Proudmoore from World of Warcraft 

Accent: n/a


- "As all have truly said in the past, Lunarstreaker is no one's glitch."

- "I will tear this world apart until I receive my vengeance!"

- "Cinderstorm! It's your spark that deserves to be on the line!"

Other Fun Facts:

- contains a miniature army, so to speak

- was once a normal cybertronian, experimented and turned into a combiner

- has five main symbiotic mini-con/insecticons living under her armor (Firefly, Requiem, Tempest, Ghost and Pest)

- a hybrid of a generic cybertronian and an insecticon

- a hybrid of a generic cybertronian and an insecticon

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